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The Sun's Funeral

#33 of poetry many scholars see in the the figure of sir gawain a pre-christian, and possible pre-roman, sun deity, adapted into the form of a folk hero as what not uncommon for figures of celtic mythology.


Too Unlucky To Be Lucky (1)

"in his defence sir he didn't really have a choice as he can't afford to buy new or even pre-owned, which is why i am going to be financing his purchase" my head instantly spins to look at axle.

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FnaJ (FnaF 1 song parody)

To finally roam and invite newcomers, pleese play with us for many years we will be all alone we're forced to be still and play the same songs we've known since that day an impostor took our lives away now we're stuck here every day [pre-chorus

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An Unexpected Outcome

Soon after playing it an endermen appeared right next to my house (they appear much less often in 1.9 pre 2 from what i've read compared to 1.8.


I Dream of Trees

A short reflective piece from a pre-t & pre-op jensyn. i was happiest when i could wake up and see the trees.

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She never turned on the oven to pre-heat, rendering it was stone cold at the worst time. this dinosaur took forever to pre-heat, and she knew it. for now, boredom was to be her only friend.

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Vermin's Vice (Exerpt)

Inhuman acts: a collection of furry noir, edited by ocean tigrox, is available for pre-order and will be released at rainfurrest this year. you can pre-order here:

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Not all giants have it easy

Balls of the swirling energy would splash onto the trays, making more pre-sliced cake. while dimalo had heard of his cakemancy, he never saw it in person. assumed it was a marketing gimmick.

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