Last Stand of the First Hell Jumpers Company of the Dire Wolves
The warhammer took several blows from autocannon as it finally drew back, and he gave the order to take a fall back position inside the base. the mechs withdrew one by one, guardian being the last to take the secondary position.
1. My Memories (Prologue)
Then, directing my attention back to the fur ball we're in, i quickly spotted trouble coming our way in the form of 4 sorthak super-heavy birds and 2 corvettes, so i engaged my 'cloaker and positioned myself at the sorthaks' aft position and readied
A Place to Belong - Chapter 27
Aceh had gracefully followed through with his kick and had spun full circle back into position. he glared at me for a few seconds before lowering his arms back into a relaxed position, i stood up straight, wary of him lashing out again. "good."
INTP Road to Self-Knowledge
It's called the "parent" function because it's used in a helping, positive, supportive way.
Chapter 33: The Counter Offensive
The other hacos already in position behind the wheel barrels fired their weapons, and the lakadors broke from their position, performing their signature rushing tactics.
Zootopia - Life of a trio - Chapter 13
_ **- the other teams are in position. you have green light. wilde, shoot the target and, once it's down, your group will enter. the rest will do so through any other entrance you see when the one on the second floor changes his position.
Writing Advice: What Makes You Write?
In the end, i could get way more done if i had a more positive headspace - if i thought more positively about my writing, i would feel better about it, and act better too.
His position as emperor required him to always be surrounded and protected. these solo flights were his only opportunity to stay with himself.
TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 6)
Ember got up from her laying position, and gazed at spyro with almost all of her attention. still oblivious that cynder was trailing behind him, hidden completely from view from her heightened position. "w-what is it spyro?"
No Frills: Grukkal
One way of securing position is for a mated pair to become an 'elder pair'.
A Soldiers Story 2 - Measure of a Man
While the rest of the squad listened from their positions restlessly, unable to see whether the panzer's barrel was pointing towards their building. easily capable of wiping out their position with a single shell if it detected them.
Abri: Chapter IV
Off to the side, the boy ran his paw against the earth and coughed, the poison quickly catching up to his newly vulnerable position. his eyes crept upwards at the two strange individuals every now and then, but he was in no position to fight.