Zootopia - Life of a trio - Chapter 13
#13 of Life of a trio
Chapter 13 of "Life of a trio"
Judy and Nick, two friends and job partners for two years now. They have accomplished many things in that time and are very used to work together. Now, a new member has been assigned to them. How will things go for this dynamic duo? Will they become a terrific trio?
Cover by Aztiluth in DeviantArt
Chapter thirteen - First contact
Today?- Repeated Commander Lacsar after several seconds of complete silence in the room. He was not the only one shocked at the news: the officers in the room shared worried and, in some cases, scared looks with their comrades. Judy could swear she heard her three friends swallow at the same time.
Less than two hours, to be exact- Concreted Chief Bogo, sharing in the concern of the commander.- I've sent word to the precints of the other districts to get ready their units.
Wait a moment, Chief!- Cut the raccoon showing anger for the first time, looking up to the big buffalo.- I didn't expect to get the full week to train your officers, but three days and a couple of hours are not enough! A week wasn't enough to begin with, but this is close to suicide! You can't send your people underprepared!
They have just begun to use SWAT weaponry, but they barely know anything aside pulling the trigger.- Added Mauler positioning by the other instructor.- That crime organization probably has minions capable of containing a professional SWAT team with their weapons alone.
I know that.- Said Bogo.- If this wasn't such an opportunity to get rid of a lot of slime off the streets, I would agree with you and hope for a better occasion. The problem is, there won't be another like this one.
Then, let's do this.
Everybody in the room, including the two instructors and the Chief, looked at the only fox there, who didn't seem affected by the attention focused on him.
What do you mean with "let's do this", Wilde?- Asked Lacsar, to whom the distraction had relieved of some of the previous anger.- Don't you understand this is not a common patrol?
I do understand that, Sir... Commander...- Nick shook his head deciding not to try to be so militarily formal.- But the fact is we have an opportunity to give some security to the city, a whole lot in fact if they are indeed so dangerous. I think that deserves we try.
And you think you can do it?- Questioned to the fox, curiosity taking over his tone of voice.- I do have the highest respect for you and for all the officers inside this room. To see your determination to learn and practice as much as you all have is very commendable, but don't you agree you are not prepared for this kind of situation yet?
Would we have been sufficiently prepared if we had a week?- Asked Nick back with a smile of confidence he himself had no idea where it came from.- We would have been risking our lives all the same. Better prepared? Yeah, sure, but not fully SWAT anyway. We know the tactics, the procedures, we have practiced them... If the major problem we have is that we are not used to the equipment, then we have no reason not to try.
Except that you can die.- Said Mauler this time.- I am very sure Commander Lacsar has explained you that we prefer everyone of you to go home even if that costs the operation. Like this, we can't ensure that will happen. You are not ready.
Maybe so but...- This time it was Judy who spoke and, unlike Nick, she did become self-conscious when everyone looked at her.- But were not supposed to. We needed fifty mammals to get to all places at the same time, at least ten each. We were fifteen short, that means three per team. We were being trained to support the teams as if we were SWAT, not to act like SWAT. Since there will be only three of us on each team, as long as we follow the orders and help as we were trained to do, it should be fine.
"Should" is a very dangerous word, Officer Hopps.- Said Lacsar, looking directly at her.- Many things that shouldn't have happened actually did, and vice versa.
Taking a look around, he expected to still see worried faces on the rest of the officers but found determination instead. Whoever it had been, if Hopps or Wilde, it had given them a reason to risk whatever it was needed.
"Crap, I am too old for this. Kids these days..."- Though the raccoon, sighing in defeat.- However, I have to agree.
Sir?- Questioned the huge rhino to his superior, but the raccoon silenced him with a gesture.
Chief, tell the other precints to be here within the hour. Call your units here to gear up, which you should be doing too.- Told the officers, who started going for the exit.- When you are done, meet us at the garage for a crash-crash course in staying alive.
As they were walking their way to the door, Mark gave a friendly nudge to Nick's shoulder, smiling widely.
Nice speech back there, Nick! You convinced him to go on with the ride!
You surprised everyone in the room. At least I was!- Added Nathan in front of them.
Well, to be honest, I am too.- Replied the fox completely serious.- But I think that we already take risks working as cops to protect the people. If this is going to benefit the city, I am willing to risk a bit more.
Behind him, Judy was thinking about it too. She had backed him up, despite her recent fears, because it felt right. She was still very scared, but listening to Nick had somehow reminded why she was dressed in blue, just as he was saying now.
Mark said to her that each one managed fear differently. Was Nick as scared as she was? How did he manage his fear?
As if he had been reading her mind, Nick turned to see the bunny, his usual cocky smile decorating his face.
- Are you ok, Carrots?
Before she could answer, a voice behind them drew their attention.
-Hopps, Wilde, stay a moment.
Both mammals were already past the door when they were called. Lacsar was signaling them to return inside the room with him. They gestured a "see you later" to Nathan and Mark, and approached the commander, unsure of what would happen.
Hopps, how is your arm?- Asked the raccoon.
Eeh... Better, Sir.- Managed to say the bunny, not wanting to reveal her condition.
The truth, officer.- Insisted the raccoon, obviously knowing far more than he let on.
It hurts, Sir.- finally admitted her.- Not badly, but a rifle is too heavy for me at the moment.
Lacsar nodded and went for the table were the SWAT weaponry was. He took one and handed it to her. It was very weird looking: a few centimeters longer than one of the pistols she had seen and resembling two different guns, one under the other, and encased to look like just one. It weighted far less than the rifle she had in her hands before.
It's based on a submachine design. Think of it as a somewhat larger tranq gun with a magazine of fifty small-sized darts and shooting continuously five darts per second if you keep the trigger pulled. Short range only, at medium and long range it will be very hard to get the target. You can use it with one hand and let the other rest or for anything you may need. You will probably be behind someone with a shield, so he won't carry any weapon larger than a tactical dart gun. Make sure you support him.
Yes, Sir!
Now, Wilde...- He went to the cubicle, where the sniper rifle Nick had used before stood against the wall and gave it to the fox.- Since you have shown a talent for this, this will serve you well. While for a close-range situation it's not as good as the other kind of rifles, or the one I just gave Hopps, there are not many rifles more precise than this one. Stay behind cover and make everyone you see sleep.
As the fox took the rifle, he nodded to the raccoon, who motioned for them to leave. Once the pair had left, only the two instructors were still in the room.
- Are you sure about this, Commander?
The smaller mammal let a throaty laugh be heard.- Have I ever, Reg?
Time seemed to pass extremely fast for the bunny. One moment she was gearing up with the SWAT suit and protectors and the next she was hearing the last instructions Lacsar and Mauler had for them. Basically, it was a reminder of what they had already learned these past three days and the little more they could be taught without the proper training. "Last minute advice", Nathan had called it.
During that last lecture before the raid, the SWAT members of ZPD precint 1 arrived: Grizzoli, Rhinowitz, and Jackson among others. Not long after, five big vehicles entered the garage and several more officers suited like them climbed down.
They were all ready, all fully suited as SWAT and equipped with different kinds of weaponry. Everyone had both a tactical tranq gun holstered on their belt, a hand TASER strapped there as well, different kinds of grenades and a weapon each one considered more suited for them: Judy and Nick had the ones handled by the commander, Nathan and Mark had both chosen metal shields almost as big as them and the rest had mostly decided to go with the regular rifles.
Judy saw that only some of the official SWAT had chosen a different kind of equipment as them. One of them wore fewer protectors and had a sniper rifle similar to Judy's, while Rhinowitz used a shield as Mark and his brother but his vest was full to the brim with magazines.
The whole SWAT team from Zootopia plus fifteen extra officers were gathered in one place and ready for duty. Just thinking about it made everyone nervous.
Now that we are all here, let me get something straight.- Started Chief Bogo.- This mission is already risky by itself. It may be necessary for the city, but I agree with Commander Lacsar and Sergeant Mauler that the fewer risks we take, the better. I don't want any heroics from any of you. Is that clear?
Yes, Sir!- Was the unanimous answer.
Then, let's begin. You will be distributed in five teams and sent to the locations. I will coordinate A and B teams, Sergeant Mauler the C team and Commander Lacsar D and E.- Bogo started reading a document in his hoof.-The teams are as follows: SWATs from Rainforest and Canal Districts will form the A Team. I've been told you already have worked together with success. You will be complemented with Fangmeyer, Wolfard and Johnson.
The mentioned officers gathered together and formed by one of the vehicles.
- Tundratown and Sahara will make B Team, complemented with Rhinowitz, Carter, Jackson, Higgins and Snarlov. You and A Team come with me.
The buffalo made a salute to the two instructors and left with his teams in two of the vehicles.
Mauler took out his list of names and started reading it.- C team: Kalen, Winston, Andersen, Davis, Jerrik, Swinton, Longmane, Clawitz, McHorn and Saren. Let's move out!
With a last look to his superior, the Sergeant climbed into the vehicle and left the garage.
Only twenty members left.
- Very well. You are the last ones to be picked. I hope it's not because you are bad at this, because I am the kind that expects the best from everyone. Now...- His own list inside a folder rested in his paw as he began to red it.- D Team: Grizzoli, Delgato, Tusken, Jameson, Growlain, Cathan, the Rhesus brothers, Hopps and Wilde. E-Team will be formed by the rest of you.
Each team gathered together, sharing some smiles with their teammates before the commander spoke again.
D-Team will go to Meadowlands, to an abandoned construction site. Our info suggest that it is a trading place for this group.
That is so cliché. Are we going to find the final boss there too?- Said Jameson, the young tiger earning some snickers from the other officers.
Actually, that is a common place for perps to do their business.- Commented Nick, his mind going back to his times as a hustler.- There is little to none security both day and night, gives a lot of places to hide and many escape routes, you can see cops coming from far away if you make someone watch from one of the higher spots and suited mammals around are not a weird sight.- The fox suddenly realized the eyes of everyone were on him, as if he had revealed one of the darkest secrets of the underworld.- Sorry, I see a lot of movies.
Actually, it does make a lot of sense.- Agreed Lacsar.- Expect watchers in the area ready to shout at the sight of problems and cover all possible exits. In any case, that will be your objective. Get inside, sweep the area, detain anyone you see, confiscate anything you consider of use in front of a jury, and get out. E-Team, the same goes for you, but you will go to Canal District. One of the transport ships there is used as storage for weapons and possibly other dangerous items. Expect traps and secret places inside. Everyone understood?
Yes, Sir!
Good. We have already sent officers to the nearby areas of the locations to ensure the safety of civilian population and to provide support if needed. For those from outside the SWAT, remember that in the helmets you are carrying there are microphones. Use them in case of need and to coordinate your advances with the rest of the team. I will be guiding you with instructions with blueprints of the targets. If there are no questions, we must leave.
With that, each team got into their respective vehicles, whose inside were big enough for the whole team to sit on the benches and there was enough space for a small command center with a communication system and a locker with extra gear in case of need. Commander Lacsar got into D-Team's vehicle before both started moving towards their destination.
Judy and Nick sat together close to the back doors, in front of Nathan and Mark. The younger macaque was pulling his phone out of one of the pockets.
I'll call Shana so she and mom know we are on route now.- He told his brother, who nodded. After dialing his sister's number, he waited. And waited. A quick glance at the screen assured him he had dialed the right number from his contacts, but she wasn't answering.
She is not picking up?- Asked Nathan, his brother shaking his head.
She said last night she wanted to go to the library to get some books. Maybe she left her phone at home.- Suggested Judy.- Were weren't expecting this to happen so suddenly.
True. I'll send a message then, so she can read it later.- Said Mark, but Lacsar approached the group demanding attention.
Ok, listed up! We only have a few minutes before we arrive there and we still have to check communications are working properly. Put on your helmets so we can start.- He saw the device in Mark's hand and added in a lower tone for him:- Put that away, son. No time for that now. In fact, it should be turned off by now.
I know, Sir, I'm sorry.- apologized the monkey, turning the phone off and pocketing it. When the commander left and sat in front of the com system he muttered to his brother, just loud enough for Judy and Nick to hear too:- Mom is gonna kill us when we get home.
You think?- The sarcasm in Nathan's voice was too obvious.- She is going to wait for us like she did with dad that time. Before that happens to me, I am sleeping in a hotel!
That IS what happened to dad, Nathan. Mom wouldn't let him inside the house for making her so worried, so he had to go to a hotel.
I know, I am just skipping the yelling part. You face that for me!
By then, they were speaking in normal voice and half the van had heard everything and they were trying to hold their laughs while putting on the helmets and adjusting them tightly, ready to start the checking.
From their hiding place, behind the base of a crane, they could see the whole construction area. There were no walls surrounding the working area since, as they have been explained on their way there, it was supposed to be a sort of hotel in the middle of the field. The closest house was south of there, closer to the Rainforest District than it was from that place. If any non-authorized mammal were to try to enter, it would be seen from afar and stopped.
While the building was far from being done, there were 3 floors finished and a fourth without a roof an two of the outer walls. The surrounding grounds were still dirt and mud, except for what seemed an entrance for a possible garage at one side in the form of an inclined terrain and a big hole in the main structure a couple of meters down.
Delgato, the official SWAT with more experience assigned to be the leader of their team, was checking the area with binoculars while the others waited behind him.
I see no-one from this angle, Sir. There are many construction materials and machinery piled around, blocking my sight.
_ Hold your position there and send someone to go around the perimeter to check from another place __.-_Directed Lacsar's voice through the earbuds connected to the radio. The lion signaled with his paw Tusken and Jameson to go to their left and Growlain and Cathan to their right. Both groups moved in silence and very carefully. The remaining members, Delgato, Grizzoli, Nick, Nathan, Mark and Judy waited there for a few minutes until the low and throaty wolf voice of Growlain sounded in their ears.
_ We are in position at three o'clock of the main group, on the east side. So far, I see nothing. _
_ We are still on route, stand by. _- Said Tusken. Half a minute later, he spoke again.- _ We are at ten o'clock on the west side. I don't see... Wait, I see movement. Confirmed, I see someone passing by a window. He should be visible for you on your left at any moment. _
Through one of the windows on the ground floor, about fifty meters from them, they could see a black bear opening the window and peering through the overture to both sides.
Wilde, can you hit him from here?- Asked Delgato, but Lacsar spoke before the fox.
_ Wait. He could be accompanied by someone who could alert the others.- _ Commanded Lacsar.- _ Tusken, confirm he is alone and the other floors as well. _
_ - Confirmed, Sir. As far as I can see, there is no-one else. _
_ - I have another one on my side, third floor. I can see him through the glass.- _ Informed Growlain.- _ From his position, he can't see you. You are clear. _
_ - Stand by.- _ Ordered the Commander. Everyone was quiet for a minute or so. Judy and Nick, the only ones there with no experience whatsoever, had their pulse through the roof. The moment they would need to run inside and face the unknown was almost in front of them, making them very nervous.
Mark, who turned to see his friends, saw their expressions and extended a hand towards them with the palm facing down. The two officers understood the gesture and piled their own paws over his, a silent promise that they would be covering each other backs and return home in one piece. That calmed them a little.
_ - The other teams are in position. You have green light. Wilde, shoot the target and, once it's down, your group will enter. The rest will do so through any other entrance you see when the one on the second floor changes his position. Cover as much terrain as possible and secure the ground floor before going to the next. _
Three voices acknowledged the order. Delgato gestured to Nick, who carefully exchanged places with the lion to be able to aim. Slowly, as Sergeant Mauler had instructed him to do, he placed the rifle to a comfortable position and aimed. It was way more difficult to aim with that weapon than with a tranq gun, and more so in the open and at such distance, but he took his time to ensure one clean shot.
The bear, as if sensing something, turned his head in his direction and saw him.
By simple instinct, Nick pulled the trigger, shooting the dart directly to the mammal's neck. The shout forming in his throat was silenced before anything could come out, the bear falling asleep before his legs gave up and half his body slowly slipped to the ground inside the building.
_ - Now! Go, go, go! _
Delgato's order more than their own wishes started their legs to run for the front door, or what should have been one: While there were windows already installed, there was a big rectangular hole covered with plastic material. Half their group stood by one side while the rest did so by the other. At the same time, Delgato and Grizzoli peered behind the plastic for a second before signaling them to get inside.
With Nathan right behind his tail and the shield ready to cover him if necessary, the lion turned left in what should be the lobby. Every room they passed by was checked quickly for any possible enemy. In less than a minute, they had advanced to the other side of a hall with many rooms on both sides, one of them with the sleeping bear from before. They pawcuffed and gagged him so he would not be able to alert anyone when the tranquilizer wore off.
Shortly after, Tusken and Jameson appeared through the door to join then.
- Northwest is clear, no resistance.
Delgato nodded and spoke into his microphone.- Growlain, your position?
_ - We are still outside.- _ Came the reply.- _ The watcher seems to like this side of the building. Should I enter through another entrance? _
_ - Negative.- _ Said Lacsar.- _ Keep your position and inform of any movement from there. _
_ - Understood. _
With a move of his paw, Delgato signaled the rest to move back to the lobby. After a quick re-check of the rooms, they crossed the big room to get to the right side. One overture to their left led to the stairs to the next floor and to the basement while another in front of them led to a very big room connected to other small ones, presumably the restaurant.
Raising his paw in a fist, the lion told everyone to stop, his small and round ears moving as if scanning the source of a noise. Judy, better equipped for that, also could hear it and identified it as voices. Turning to Mark, the one at the back of the group, Delgato made a series of gestures that the macaque understood. He made a few steps back and informed the commander in low voice.
- Sir, We heard voices coming from some stairs to the basement, at least three.
_ - Two of you check it, the rest keep maintain a defensive position. _
Delgato signaled Nathan to go with him, but he stopped the lion and pointed at Judy, gesturing about long ears and small size. A grin appeared on the feline's face and agreed before signaling the bunny to go with the macaque.
After a false annoyed look to the monkey, Judy went down the stairs, her feet not making any sound. Nathan had to go slower and more careful because of his size and the shield in his left arm.
Aside from a small source of light coming from the entrance to the basement, the place was dark. Walking down in complete silence was difficult, but they managed it and took positions at each side of the entrance.
Now Judy could hear almost perfectly. Even with the echo of what she identified as the garage, she could hear about four voices, but also footsteps that didn't belong to them and things being moved. They felt very close, so she didn't risk to peek the other side of the wall to check, but she could easily count about six or seven mammals in there. They were talking about the trade gone perfectly, that there was no need to bring so many people to just get bored.
She gestured to Nathan, who nodded and told her to go back with the others. He waited for her to go up the stairs before following her, just in case.
Once with them, she raised six fingers to Mark, who was facing the left wind but had turned his head when she came back, and he transmitted the info to the commander. Delgato, Grizzoli and Nick greeted her back with a smile and a pat on her back for her good job. That relieved some of the tension she had accumulated in just a minute.
_ - If the trade has been done there and they are packing, then they must be about to leave. Go to the first and second floors and clean them. Once you do that and there is no-one to alert the others, Growlain will set up traps for the vehicles at the exit of the garage. They will be more vulnerable there. B Team has already finished with their objective, I will send them to support you. _
Both Delgato and Growlain acknowledged their orders and the lion led them up the stairs, rifle at the ready.
At the door of the first floor, Delgato ordered Mark, Nick and Judy to take care of it while he, Nathan and Grizzoli went to the second floor. To split like that made Judy's fear increase, but pushed it away and nodded all the same.
Room after room, they checked everything on the east side, finding nothing for now. It wasn't until they got to the last room that a lynx came out of it armed with a rifle, smaller than the ones they had practiced with that day. The feline opened his eyes in surprise and was about to yell when Nathan, faster than him, shot him first and put the lynx to sleep.
Quickly, they dragged the unconscious mammal inside the room and took a moment to see his weapon. It was indeed smaller but still larger than the one Judy carried. The design was simple and looked very easy to move around.
- Sir, we encountered another watcher on the first floor. He carried a weapon I've never seen before.- Called Mark through the microphone.
_ - Describe it.- _ Asked the commander.
- It looks like the rifle you brought for us to see, but lighter and smaller. The magazine comes from under it and the end of the barrel is uncovered.
_ - Assault rifles. Less powerful than battle rifles at short range, but still deadly and very accurate even at middle and long range. I haven't seen one of those in years. That gives them the advantage in that environment. Be sure to take them down before they start shooting them. They can hit you even behind walls if they are not thick enough. _
- Understood. We are moving to the left side.
The trio left the room to undo their steps when a timber wolf came out of the door to the stairs. The low light color of the fur confused them for a second before they realized that it was not Grizzoli but one of the criminals. At that distance, Mark had no way to hit him, so Nick aimed with his rifle and shot him in the chest. Sadly, not before the wolf shot his gun once, making a loud bang that echoed in all the hotel, and hitting the wall at the right of Judy, missing her by a few centimeters.
After the wolf had fallen to the ground, Mark looked were he had come from and saw a shadow running down the stairs.
- We have been seen! They know we are here!