To protect life - Chapter 1, A GHOSTLY BOY

"get the hell out of here luke, go with him, tremendous stud this paramedic." he winks at me and takes another snack on his burger. the otter blushes but say nothing, as he hadn't heard that. "you need to come in the ambulance now...

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An event in a robbery.

"and i do feel a little sick and dizzy," the paramedic looked at where i indicated and made a note in a small pad. "what's with the pad?" i asked with a small grin. he gave me a little look and smiled back.

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Story Snippet - Husbandly Hobbies

I mean, i am an ex-paramedic, but still - such conversations over dinner, especially anything tomato-based, will end only in tears...and wasted dinner" george explained. "that was a shocker...when i uttered that infamous phrase to carla.

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Tina's Story -Chapter 99 -Dead Man Writing- A Gray Muzzle story

There were several police cars, paramedics, and the coroners van. "poor bastard" the coroner observed to no one in particular "what a sad, lonely way to go. how did you find him?" "a phone call" constable o'malley replied "his own, i'm guessing."

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Sorry state

The firefighters have to pull the blubbering older wolf off of the cub to allow the paramedics to help. all he sees is the motionless soot and ash covered form as he gets carried away. "t...that..."

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A Virtual Wish, Chapter Four

You've broken close to every bone in your body and the paramedics are on their way." "screw broken bones and injuries, i'm fine. help me up and let's go." he backs away a little. "then i'm just gonna get up on my own."

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Chapter 9: Calmonte Lighthorn

He quickly dialed 911 and performed cpr on her until the paramedics arrived.

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Jessica the Vampire slayer: Chapter 1: The prophecy not so true

Moments later the sounds of police sirens could be heard and shortly after car doors opening and closing followed by hurried footsteps of policemen and paramedics."not another one..." the paramedic said in a low tone.

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Fallen Angels, Part Nine - Sing me a Song, Dead Girl

_ inspector quinn was on his way with a team of paramedics in tow, and i knew i'd get the answer to my true identity within moments. if the paramedics screamed and fled the moment they saw me, i'd assume the transformation into demon was for real.

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Canine Punch Out.txt

paramedics were called in and took trinity away. melissa who felt bad for it all whispered something to alexander before she ran after the paramedics.

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Vadim Chapter 13: Heading Out Again

The paramedics then put him on a stretcher and both carried him. ivan shot the group a worried look. "so let me get this straight, you were leaving and a weasel came out and shot a bolt of lightning at him?"

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Episode 001: Comes the Thunder - part 5

And in there, being attended by a few paramedics... "penny! bernie!" jeff called, making rose look at him, ad them in the direction he was looking at.

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