Little Blue - Short Story - Mech Donkey

This large metal girth ring forces a ramble of armoured fibre optics, air and hydraulic lines into untidy bundles down its centre. at the back hangs a black diesel engine with bent exhaust pipe.

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A Pilot Chosen

At least, not on the normal optics. she frowned. how was this possible? how could something be showing on her thermals and not on the regular optics. she had no more time to ponders as a volley of stun rounds slammed into her mech, battler.

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Ch. 12 -- Burn the Past

It was difficult to get an accurate count with the sand scoured optics but shannon could tell it was more than five.

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Twokinds Revolution Chapter 2

This one was simple though: just a standard assault rifle, no attachments or optics. he cycled a few rounds to get a feeling for how it functioned and made sure he knew how to turn the safety off.

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The Sins Of The Fathers

Jail stares to the optic sensor embedded in the sliding lock gate. the computerized voice says, "i am scanning the retinal of your right eye. i am scanning the retinal of your left eye.

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Burning Mouse and the I.C.E. Snake

Everything bottlenecked towards the fibre optic rail system. simon realized that this was going to go one of two ways. still, if he stayed here for too long, it would end again when the active scans started to course through the server.

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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny's Way: Chapter 8: Triumphant Returns

The difference was that zoroark and zorua have the natural ability to cast illusions, while psychic types need to learn how to manipulate the optic center in the brain. dark types are immune, so they can see through psychic illusions.)

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Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 34: Iridescent Warmth

Looking up at a sign, he silently sighed in relief when the optics shop was near. he had no idea where could he get an eyepatch other than the optics shop. probably it was also available in general accessories, but he was afraid it would be too crowded.

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Virtually Real Notes: Evolver Chamber Options

Tri-optic nerves: rather than having a single nerve for sensing light this tri-optic system allows you to switch between the standard light spectrums into either ultraviolet or infrared.

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The Patchwork Soldier part VII

Round musta' smashed both fiber optic leads." this wasn't good. without helm controls, the nautilus was, to use the old terran analogy, a "sitting duck". it wouldn't be long before our unseen attacker could charge up another shot.

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One Of A Kind: The Beginning

Her emerald-hued optics shined into his as she beamed. she was wearing a tight haltertop and the aforementioned skirt, a curious pendant hanging around her neck. he sat up and squinted, his eyes still a bit unfocused. "wh-...where am i?"

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mustache w/ zebra

He returns softly, violet optics glittering in the dim light. "it isn't every day one sees a zebra with a mustache, after all." - lips twitch. dare there be humor there? thor leans back against the near wall, shaking his head with a grin.

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