Next Level Prologue: Triple-S

#1 of the next level this is the result of an rp between snowfur and me, and i must say, i think he pushed me to new heights. first time i ever rped such a fierce action scene, and i hope i can do it again.

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Next Level Ch. 6: Checkup

Eventually, everyone returned his or her attention to the pit, and the next combatants approached their respective positions. the loudspeaker came on again: "next up, we have alan and auroch!"

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What Happens Next: Azure of Draarde

You will decide what happens next... i will let this run for one week to see what you guys want to happen next. i will go through each suggestion and see what direction this story can go....


Finally onto the next new world !

#25 of kingdom hearts back on the ship flying to the next world. tsume was in her seat kinda depressed like and sora saw the look on her face and went to go see if she was alright sora: is everything okay?

MLP:FiM: Chapture 2: The Next Day

"well, if it's dry and sunny for the next couple days or so, i can stash the wood in the orchard. would that work for ya?". "it will for now. asked me next time." applejack said walking away.

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Walmart Digi-Blast :the next mission

Their digimon changed into their champion form and attacked the meramons from destroying the place. "I know this is just me but , where did all the meramon come from?"Jake asked as he and the others look over "That's a good question ." "Do you think...

The Next Day - a Bear & Coyote story

_the next day_ _by_ _vixyy fox_ _ _ "things always taste better the next day!" bear snuffled at the dirty red cloth on the ground at his feet. "it's dead coyote... ain't nothing going to taste better second day dead!" "is that right?"


Next Level Ch. 4: No Turning Back

He knelt down next to her and patted her shoulder. "hi, mama. how's everyone doing?" he asked quietly as he looked at the little 'uns.

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(Old & Last) Chapt 8. To the next goal

One of the bandits around the corner was sitting in a chair, leaning on a wooden table with a lamp next to him, illuminating the small space around them. at first zen though to take out that light and give him an attack of opportunity.

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Kneel down next to the jackalope and pet the mudkip on the head

The mudkip pulls away for a moment to consider you then moves up so it is under your appendage and accepts the pets. It coos and butts into your pats. The eevee and the mew come up to you on top of the jackalope. "Huaff. You are heavy, all of you,"...

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Why the next episode is out later than it should be

This is because I had written out a new episode of Oh, College TWICE, and when I clicked the publish button, instead of publishing it, it reloaded the page and deleted my progress. If this successfully posts, then I will post a new episode.


The Buck Next Door: Chapeter 1: The New Neighbor

As he walked, the autumn wind gently whipped his loose-fitting plaid shirt , causing his tan chest fur to dance lightly in the wind .he was almost to his mailbox when he saw the moving van next door. "huh. i must have a new neighbor."

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