Spyro and the Shadowweaver

"you see, my power is not coercive, it is mimicry. anyone, -anything- i capture i can make a puppet of." a huff at his side from bianca made the spider reach out and pet her between the ears. "well, puppet is too direct i suppose.

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:4

_ the wolf let the air out of her lungs, returning to her natural posture as she dropped the mimicry act. "it reminded me so much of his father when we got together." audrey chuckled.

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MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 10

What came out was more than mere mimicry- it was not only kuna's words, but in his voice, albeit sounding like it was coming through a tunnel. "don't be so hard on yourself. you've got more potential than you know.

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MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 6

Even if the speech wasn't too uncanny to be mindless mimicry, he recognized the unusual color pattern on the bird's feathers. he might not put as much stock in old stories as some, but when he was younger, he ate them up.

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Into The Mouths Of Madness

_" she squawked in mocking mimicry, straying closer and closer until the stink hefting to her clothing came wafting over me," bold words for someone so... _alone_." "speak for yourself," i growl and attempt to rise once more.

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The Golem of Highrock

Not seeing boar's mimicry, mouse tilted his head back down and folded his arms across his chest. "something's not right here. i can't pinpoint the origination of the valeceas's smell, and i don't see any signs of their orange flower petals, do you?"

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Episode 14: Restoration

She replied forcing a smile that was nothing more than mimicry of the of the actual act. "it's been a while since you traveled, i bet you are looking forward to sometime around here." "you can say that, is there anything wrong?"

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Midline Shift 37 - Facility XR-1

Even he knew what it was upon hearing the sound of machines whirring, an odd speech mimicry coming forth from its unit. _"james robert campbell has been found, affirmative.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 5.1 - The Southern Lights

"always had a gift fer mimicry, used to drive pappy's head up thuh wall, but i dug mahself in, learned thuh dialect an' worked in sum takoyaki place down thuh street." "and now you're out on your own?"

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 2.1 - The Funeral

_" the lady of the temple stepped further in, followed by the twins obediently matching her pace with perfect mimicry.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 6.2 - A Brotherhood of Fists

Surprisingly well in their own little dance, not hitting every single step, but not really caring about the high score as they clapped each other's hands, glided on their heels, and with a nick-nack-paddywhack of their feet, impressed the crowd more for their mimicry

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The Hunt

"so, stop standing around," he bit back, folding his arms in mimicry of the lynx. with a huff, kuvähä shook his head and relented, turning away and starting slowly back down the trail.

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