Life Here After { Time March } [ Prolouge to the next chapter ]

The beasts who had escaped from the lab had managed to strip the armory of its weapons and armors. Bred to use them they adapted and started to use guerilla tactics to slowly take on the human soldiers loyal to the Freedom States.. Fighting on two...

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The New Couple Chapter 1

Though it took longer to march than i hoped, we finally met their army, ready to slay them in combat. while marching up a hill, looking over the enemy.


Days Go By: The Future is Now

Alana watched as her lieutenant stepped forward, calling her company to march. filing through the wide corridors, navy-men stopping on either side to salute the passers-by, the troops marched onto the grid-like floors of the bays.

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team R&T VS M.A.R.C.H final battle

Rachel asked as she gave us a grin, "that's fine ,miss march will began when ever your ready?" she said as we pulled out are weapons getting ready only then march vanished making us gasp.

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Dear Diary [Part 1]

-allen march 7th, 2017 i can't stand that terry and norman. i really wish they'd stop harassing me over the dumbest things.

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Dear Diary [Part 3]

_ **march 24** __**th**__ **, 2017** _ tonight's been a huge mess.

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Chapter 15: The War on Heaven

Motsumi, palesa, and wilmer told ettoras they had been traveling the nufetriaz marches in search of a hidden place. the marches were grasslands, the green sea broken only by the occasional small cluster of trees.

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Dear Diary [Part 2]

-allen _ **march 15th, 2017** _ had a weird chat with mom tonight after dinner.

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #13- No Fooling Around

_thursday march 29th:_ tal 89, **hnt 118** the divisional rivaly promotion continued in this back-to-back match, with progressive discounts on 2-or-more dawg pack merchandise.

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Rise of Red Comet Chapter 15, Blastoff

James stood up, marched into the cabin and set his holocom on the table. he swept his hand over the light and saw an elderly, chubby figure with some sort of bone plate over their face.

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'friday, march 8th: help dad out with packing for world trip.' 'saturday, march 9th: getting my paycheck of the last month.' 'sunday, march 10th: hang out at friend's house.' again he yawned and walked towards the showers.

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"The Thin Line," Part U

And "march sharp, there!" and similar cries.

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