Dear Diary [Part 1]
The idea for this story was gathered from a vote on my Patreon page and was a fun challenge in journal-style storytelling which I haven't done much of before. I look forward to continuing Allen's story with the next part uploaded tomorrow!
Read more of "Dear Diary" below:"Dear Diary" Part 2
For details on the "OHS" system follow this link:One-Hour Story System Rules
Current Status: DANGER
Writer Level 2
HP: 16/150
XP: 70/200
My HP is at critical once more from my efforts. These daily stories are only able to continue from your support. I put a great deal of effort into making the best stories for you that I possibly can, so if you've enjoyed being able to see new content daily consider pledging a "Health Potion" to restore my health by joining my Patron Partner community over at Patreon for any amount. It means a great deal to me and all pledges go towards furthering my craft.
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March 5th , 2017
I got this diary the other day thinking that it might help me. I heard it's good to get your thoughts out on the page and so I wanted to give it a shot. Plus it was only $1.99. Can't go wrong there. I'm not really sure how often I'll be using this, but I'll start today and see where it goes. I guess I'll end things here for right now. Have to wake up early tomorrow for school.
March 6th, 2017
Today we got this new transfer student in, and check this out...she's from WYOMING, but her accent sounds like she's from back east someplace. Her name's Hannah. Who the heck moves here anyway? I mean we did, but that was different. It's better for me here. The quiet's good and we have plenty of woods in the back if I need time for myself. It sure makes things a lot easier for me and dad. Mom's calling for dinner so I'll stop things here. Dad's running late from work again. Hope he's ok.
March 7th, 2017
I can't stand that Terry and Norman. I really wish they'd stop harassing me over the dumbest things. I'm trying to stay out of their way, but it's like some kind of magnet is stuck right plumb in the middle of my back or something that attracts them over from the other end of the universe! They think they're all that and they rule the world with their JCPenny knockoff jackets with the thick chrome buttons, but they don't. I know dad says to just ignore them, but if I blow up again and something happens that's not my fault. They'd be the ones asking for it. Dad could make this so easy. All he'd have to do is just drop off some "evidence" in their lockers, and I can be done with the whole matter once they were kicked out. Ugh, this isn't helping. Going to listen to some tunes or browse through YouTube or something. I don't want anyone to get hurt again or for us to move. Dealing with that once was enough.
March 8th, 2017
I got paired up with Hannah in Chemistry today and it turns out she's not that bad when it comes to science stuff. She was quiet, but I think that's because everyone's been getting on her for her accent. I'd get pretty tired of someone asking me to say things for them too if I was her. When we got to Biology she was carrying too many books and tripped on the doorway, slamming herself on the ground. She had a big red nose, tears, the works. Everybody was laughing. Even I laughed a bit, but at least I offered a hand to help her up. When she took it Terry and Norman shot me a look from the other side of the room with lips pursed open into wide "O"s while making fake moaning sounds. I'm going to end those guys if they keep it up.
March 10th, 2017
Forgot to write the other day. Whoops! Had a pretty good day yesterday actually, and today Hannah asked if I could meet up with her on Sunday night for a movie. Score! I wish I could, but I had to make up some lame excuse to dodge it. This weekend wouldn't be good at all. I've already been feeling the moon's pull a bit early, and I couldn't risk it being too much in front of her. I'll try and figure out something to make up for it.
March 13th ,2017
Called it! It was a little awkward coming back home with me not having changed back the whole way. I haven't done that since I was I still had my tail, and my feet and ears weren't quite right. Mom wasn't too happy. Gave me a speech about how it was important to keep the wolf out there and not bring it home and that it was for my safety and not because she didn't love me, blah blah blah. Dad thought the whole thing was funny and kept asking who the lucky lady was that was preoccupying my thoughts that had messed with my changes. I'm not telling him anything. It's not like that between me and Hannah. She's just nice is all.
I was glad though that by some miracle dad had managed to get the weekend off of work by finding someone to cover his shift at the station, so we got to go to Siuslaw National Forest for the weekend instead of changing in the backwoods. It was the first warmer weekend of the year and Sunday night it felt great to let go for a little while. We haven't shifted there since last summer, so I was pretty stoked to be back there again with him. When I told him about planting materials in Terry and Norman's lockers to get back at them he told me I could if I could steal them from the station and not get caught. He's funny like that. But of course he had to add that it would be easier to just lay low and that eventually everything would blow over.
I was surprised when he told me after we changed back that he was sorry he had been away so much lately. Apparently work was being rough on him with these new murders popping up across the county and a lot of the paperwork was falling on his desk. I wanted to tell him that things were being really rough for me right now too, but I couldn't. Somehow he understood anyway, and before I could fight him off he gave me one of his crazy bone-crunching hugs. I wanted to stop my tail from wagging as hard as it did like some giddy pup, but I'm glad that I'm not going through this alone.
Hopefully things will only get better from here.