Little Star Chapter 3

And anyway, her little star adored the pancakes they had. after breakfast, luna entered her throne room.

Little Star Chapter 2

"yes, you will my little star."

Little Star Chapter 1

little star by admiral q it was a tired, but happy, twilight that walked into her new home. golden oaks library, a tree magically altered to be a library, was a quaint little place, though certainly not as large or stocked as her tower in canterlot.

Born For Loyalty Chapter 8

Sometimes we just need to be shown just a little kindness." flutters looked at dash who responded with a raised eyebrow. they continued further rarity eventually said.

Born For Loyalty Chapter 7

The two hanged out for the rest of the party till applejack had to take her little sister home. everypony was at the party as well. even that fancy rarity was there. in a frou-frou dress of course.

Born For Loyalty Chapter 5

How would you like a little brother or sister?" dash was speechless for a couple seconds. "you're pregnant?" "yes i am. in about nine months you will be having a little sibling." "that. is. awesome! i'm so happy for you two.

Born For Loyalty Chapter 4

Yeah she's a meek little pony named fluttershy. the name so fits her. she's part of that family that moved in earlier. had to defend against some stupid bullies, more proof this world is not perfect.

Born For Loyalty Chapter 3

He groaned and little rainbow was laughing her flank off earning a chuckle from firefly. after lunch they spent more time together but as the sun sets they bring rainbow back into the orphanage.

Born For Loyalty Chapter 2

A cute little filly named rainbow. she was involved in the weird lightning strike that happened and went unclaimed. she's got no memory of her past beside some vague things and boy is she a determined filly.

Shadow of Loyalty Chapter 5

Wind whipped at Rainbow's mane as she pushed her limits. She was still at Rainboom speeds and was trying to go faster as she flew to Ponyville and Scootaloo. The sun was rising on her left when she caught site of Ponyville. At one time, the sight would...

Shadow of Loyalty Chapter 4

Rainbow was out flying as Shadowbolt patrolling her new hometown. It has been more peaceful around town, lately. She figured the gangs had disbanded after the whooping she has been giving them lately. She scanned around till she heard the sound of...

Shadow of Loyalty Chapter 3

The wonderbolts get a little further than average, but not much. you manage to go further on your own. this is why the rainboom is so rare. most pegasi do not have the muscles in their magic to pull it off." "awesome.