Born For Loyalty Chapter 4

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry


#10 of MLP 2

Logging in again. It's been a few days since I moved in to my parents house. And they are my parents. While certainly not my human parents thus different personalities to them everything they do reminds me of them. I take no shame in calling them mom and dad. The place is comfy and warming and though I had to deal with school. Ugh that was annoying. My knowledge from my old world it has made it painful. I blaze throw the math and writing areas easily. The only things slowing me down was Equestrian history which is pretty awesome. These ponies are freaking lucky to live in such a peaceful world and weather magic. This has been interesting. Her previous study of weather again knocks them out of the park but I'm clueless on messing with it they way pegasi do with their magic. If only Earth had that talent. Well mom's calling, she's taking me to her work so cya later.

Dash put her quill down and shut and locked her log before heading downstairs to the front door. Dash's new mom was waiting their for her.

"Sorry mom, was just finishing up a log." Dash saw the look on her mom's face and did everything in her power not to smirk. She had that 'she called me mom' look. Dash saw that with his sister who adopted a ten year old girl called her mom. Dash was going to miss her sister. The two of them flew off to mom's work. Mom wanted to show Dash to her racing team. This would certainly be better then school. Dash looked around still in awe about the city. It was so awesome that it was made out of clouds and worked. Screw physics this was too cool for physics.

Her mom lead her to a an area with several obstacles in the middle. Dash followed her mom into the arena's connected building. Dash was lead into a room that looked like a break room. Dash saw several ponies but didn't get any detail before a sound.

'Was that a squee?' The next thing Dash knows she is being squeeze.

"Oh Firefly, she is so cute!" The mare squeezing Dash said. Dash frowned. She hated that word. She was not cute, she was awesome.

"Rapid Dash you're straggling her." Her mom said.

"Oh, sorry honey." Dash could now breathe again. She saw her mom shake her head before addressing everyone.

"Everypony, this is my daughter Rainbow Dash. Dash this is my racing team. You met Rapid Dash already. We also have Sonic Boom, Soundwave, Thruster, and the Team Captain Warhawk." Dash greeted all of them and like the typical ponies here, very friendly.

"Okay everypony now that we got meeting the cute filly out of the way."

"I'M NOT CUTE! I'M AWESOME!" Dash interrupted with a frown. This got some chuckles from the team.

"Anyway let's get back to the matter at hand. We've got a relay race next week so I want our relay skills improved. I wanna place in the top three this time not the top ten. Rapid Dash, Soundwave, and Firefly will be the primaries they rest of you backup but everypony train hard. Now get out to the field and do your stretches." The whole group heads out. Dash went to her mom and asked.

"Hey mom what's a primary in racing?" Firelfy smiled at her and explained.

"Dash, a primary mean they are chosen to be the primary racers for the team. If all goes well me Rapid, and Sound will be in the race. But the other have to be ready in case one of us primaries get injured, sick, or have some other reason that we couldn't race."

"Makes sense." Dash was told to sit with Warhawk in a team area while the team themselves did various wing stretches. Dash took note of the stretches and tried to mimic them. Unbeknownst to her Warhawk watched her try this with a critical eye.

Eventually the stretches were over and two teams formed. Dash watcher her mother fly up to a certain position with a member of the opposite team. Thruster if she remembered right next to her and they floated there. When everyone was in position she saw Warhawk go over to a cloud just floating there and hit with a hoof. It gave a lighting bolt in reply and Dash her ponies take off. Turning back to the racers and saw the first pair racing through the course.

'Oh so that was the gun shot to start the race. Nice.' Dash watched the teams go through the course. It was just as entertaining as the Wonderbotls. When the hand off or hoof off in this case happened Dash noticed something else. Instead of a baton they past off a horseshoe shape item. That made sense too considering hooves were different than hands. When her mom got the 'baton' she shot away and Dash knew there was no way she would be her mom in a race. She was fast. 'Can't beat ya now mom but one day, one day.' She watch her mom barely squeak out a win. She cheered her mother's victory and her mother floated near by and ruffled her hair.

The teams were given a short rest before Warhawk wanted them to do one hundred laps.

"Can I try that captain?" Dash asked. Warhawk eyed her wearily.

"Your a little young for that kid."

"Please I just want to try." Was Dash going to do it? Oh yes she was, her man card was lost when she came here so out came the puppy dog eyes. Warhawk winced at it but seemingly refusing to budge. It was her mom that stepped in.

"Captain she's pretty good for a filly her age. I think she can try." Her mom looked seriously at her. "As long as she promosies to drop out when she gets tired." Dash vigorously nodded and she heard a sigh from Warhawk.

"Alright she can try." To even Dash's surrise that got a cheer from the whole team. Her mom directed her up and she followed till they got between a pair of clouds with a banner connecting them above her.

"Alright Dash, when Warhawk says so we fly around the outer layer of the arena. Go as long as you can then head back down okay?"

"Got it mom." Dash eyes ahead with a smirk and waited.

She didn't have to wait long.

"BEGIN!" And with that they were all off. Dash flew as hard as she could but the racers still whipped pass her with a breeze. That wouldn't deter her. She was going to show them she wasn't a weak filly.

In the end she only lasted 27 laps before having to call it quits. She glided down to the bench and caught her breath. She did hear anyone till she saw a drink in from of her.

"Here you go kid." It was Warhawk giving her a drink and had a smirk on her face. "You did pretty good for a filly. I thought you would only last 15 laps at best. Well done." The elderly mare said. Dash took the drink and guzzled it.

'Man did that taste good!' She then sipped at it as the team finished the laps. After another break for lunch the team practice the relay again but Dash only caught half of it when she collapsed into dream world.

Firefly left the showers and looked over to the bench where her daughter laid on a blanket asleep. Warhawk moved her there when she noticed that she fell asleep. Despite her saying otherwise she really was cute. Petting Dash's mane Firefly smiled before carefully putting the filly on her back. She looked forward again and saw Warhawk with a smirk on her face.

"She's good for you Fires, I can already tell." Firefly looked back over her shoulder at the sleeping filly. Dash had a slight smile on her face as she traveled dreamland. She has seen nothing but smiles from the filly since they met.

"I think we're good for each other Cap. Needed each other for reasons only we know. See ya tomorrow." With that Firefly left the arena, going slowly to not disturb her daughter's sleep.

* * * * *

UGH! I can't believe I fell asleep at the end of mom's practice. She was cool with it though. Said that her team was impressed by how long I lasted in those laps. So want to visit again.

A couple days later Dad took me to the Weather Factory. I'm amazed by how these ponies do weather. They make EVERYTHING, even snowflakes! Talk about job security. They even make rainbows. I had to taste the rainbow.


Holy crap that thing is spicy! Dad was laughing his butt off and I'm SSSSSOOOO gonna get even later. Till then a new family has moved into the house next door. I'm gonna check them out. Nowhere is perfect so I better check them out to make sure they are okay.

Dash hovered in the sky above her house watching the movers put things in the house. It was typical stuff. Couches, lamps, tables, the works. And it seemed like a small family. Two adults and a filly. Dash noticed the filly sitting alone on the clouds serving as a backyard here in Cloudsdale. Dash decided to introduce herself. Diving down and landing in their yard.

"Hello, welcome to the neighborhood. I'm Rainbow Dash but those that know me just call me Dash. May I ask your name?" Dash asked as she lifted a hoof in greeting. The filly hid behind her long hair.

"I'm Fluttershy." Dash could barely here the yellow filly's answer so she leaned in closer.

"Sorry couldn't here you. Could you say it again?" To Dash's surprise the filly curled up even more.

"I'm Flutteryshy" Dash heard squeak something. Obviously this filly was not comfortable with this. Dash knew when to pull out.

"Well nice meeting you. I'm right next door so I'll see you around." With that Dash slowly took off.

* * * * * *

The next day Dash was in school switching out books she had for the classes when she heard a something going on. Looking to where she heard it she saw the filly that moved in next door curled into a ball as a pair of bullies pick on her. Dash frowned and slammed her locker shut and headed for them. When she got close she decided to intervene.

"Hey cut it out!"The two bullies looked at her and scowled.

"This ain't your problem shrimp." one of them said.

"You made it my problem when you bothered her. She's my neighbor and even the one time I met her I knew she was weak. Great target buds. To prove you are big strong colts you go after the meekest filly I've seen. If anything that proves that YOU are the weaklings." Both colts were ticked and one of them through a punch at her. Dash leaned away from the hoof. It's been years since she was in karate and was in her original body back then but she no choice now but to do her best. She noticed the other colt coming in and a simple buck to the face ended that threat. Another swing from the first colt barely missed her and she returned with one of her own. The colt was hit in the nose and fell on his butt. It looked like they were done so Dash faced the filly. "Hey you okay?" The filly responded by hugging her. Dash they stood there and held the filly with a hoof and whispered comforting words as the filly cried into her fur.

The teachers FINALL Y showed up a minute later and took them all to the principle's office. They took the two bullies first and Dash and the filly sat outside.

"T-thank y-you for standing up for me." The filly said in a quiet voice but at least Dash could understand it.

"Hey, it's wrong for them to pick on you. I was just doing what is right. I never did get your name."

"It's Fluttershy, and your Rainbow Dash right."

"Yup, but I prefer Dash. Fluttershy huh? Well it fits. Nice to meet you."

"The same Dash. I never seem to make friends well."

"Well you got one right here if you want."

"Y-you, you want to be my friend?"

"Why not? We're neighbors and you seem like a nice filly."

"I, I would like that Dash."

* * * * *

Today was awesome. I made my first friend this body's age. Yeah she's a meek little pony named Fluttershy. The name so fits her. She's part of that family that moved in earlier. Had to defend against some stupid bullies, more proof this world is not perfect. Anyway had to see the principle and explained what I knew. Didn't get in trouble and mom and dad were proud of me for standing up to them. Who ever thought my new life can turn out so well.