Xavier's new hope part 9

Chapter 9 : The enemy of my enemy...is my friend? Xavier stood quietly at the window. HIS daughter, now his new mate walked over and hugged him from the side and looked out side. They both looked to the flower garden that had taken a life of its owna...

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Xavier's new hope part 8

Chapter 8: A Dying rose Xavier growled as he held his right arm, it was in extreme pain, his hind paws dug into the ground. Dust and gravol kicked up, Bianca and Johana both watched in worry as their beloved male was in pain. Blood pooled to his right...

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Xavier's new hope part 7

Chapter 7: Blood rain XAvier stood on the roof, looking over the forest. He felt something was up, the night creeping up on the house. Xavier stood tall as he took a breath in and exhaled slowly. Slowly two wings open from his back, feathered white...

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_Well it has been some time since I last uploaded something. I will let you know a head of time, this story is based around Parasyte the maximum . I enjoy the idea of a being able to have a certain ability. As you can tell from my previous stories....


The Chronicals of Kantori - The Dagger (German)

Ein rotsiegelschiff der kantorinischen marine, dieses schiff besaß eine mischbauform zwischen den linienschiffe von kaze no kuni und den dschunken aus furadein, sahen das wesen und die trümmer auf dem wasser schwimmen.

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Kieran vs Sash. Tenacity vs Pride

"kaze no mai! shipugga!!" he then swung his sword in a wide arc and a dozen blue crescent sword waves barreled toward the dark knight.

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Naruto Nidaime Juubi(Spanish)

Mientras que una luz blanca lo envolvía ambos kyuubis tuvieron que cerrar sus ojos para no quedar ciegos, cuando se dieron cuenta que la luz estaba disminuyendo pudieron abrir sus ojos y no podían creer lo que veian estaban en la frontera de hi no kuni y kaze

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