The story of Bucky Brans ch,1.

Here's my salute to you. 30th of may 1972 a yell was heard from chester"bucky" barns as he was injected with a serum that would make man more superior.

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Concequences and Forgiveness

Two doors left, and he contemplated injecting himself to end his life. because with him dead, the research died too.

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Seeker Origins: Chapter Twelve

For instance, there was the question as to what i had been injected with _three times over_.

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Biohazard Chapter 4

Ally was holding the cooler full of injections herself and rayna was beside her silently watching as hanai took charge.

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Seeker Origins: Chapter Eleven

Part of me assumed it was the same liquid that the reptile injected me with earlier that day.

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Mindless: although being injected by bortalic liquid is safe enough, injecting oneself with more than a single dosage can have devastating effects on one's mind.

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Genetic Children-Log 10- Wade's Deception

 they moved his limp body to his desk, injected him with another chemical, and left. â wade took his station outside korm’s lab, and injected niel with the same chemical. then he slumped down to the ground mimicking niel’s position.

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Deserted Pt. 2

How we do this is by injecting these strands of dna in to multiple cells of your body to see if these cells multiply.

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Sad Avali Story

He asked, "the standard procedure is a lethal injection..." he added.


The Deoxys Collective

As marco asked this he gasped in surprise as he was injected by a sharp stab of pain in his back. _"assimilation virus injected.

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Except the brains of those injected restarted themselves. well, not the whole brain. only a portion of it, the part that controls motor functions. newly made zombies are fast as hell and really strong.

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Blossom Brainwashed

And then, they injected more antidote x into her body.

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