Seeker Origins: Chapter Twelve

Story by Hemlyn on SoFurry

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#3 of Seeker Origins

Year: Unknown.

Time: Unknown.

Location: Unknown.

I woke up cautiously, making sure that I was completely aware of my surroundings before even thinking about getting up. My body was still aching from the pain that I had experienced just before being knocked out, though my sense of touch also told me that I wasn't restrained in any way. I opened one eye slowly, making sure that no one could see me waking up. I mentally let out a sigh of relief to find that no one was watching me; no one was even in the same room I was in.

My sense of sight told me that the room was exactly the same as the one I had been restrained in previously, with only a few other 'furnishings'. I was lying on the same large lab table in the centre of the room, though it was made softer by the sheets laid out on the surface. Each corner of the room had something occupying it as well. One was occupied by a tall mirror, allowing me to look over my body. Another was holding a small sink which was, in turn, occupied with a toothbrush, toothpaste and a small plastic glass holding the two. In the third corner lay a small desk, holding up a small notepad, a few pens and a lamp. The last corner was simply a bedside table, presenting numerous antibiotics and medications.

It took a couple of minutes of thought in order to compile everything I could see and make a conclusion as to what was going on. Finally, I made the conclusion that this room was intended for me. I remembered Artsua saying something about me being here for the next week or so, in order to break my order to turn me into a husk that would do whatever he commanded. Of course, once I remembered what he intended to do to me, I also remembered what he may have done to me already.

I slowly leant forwards, picking only the top half of my body up and bringing my legs forwards so I could take a proper look at my body. My claws were shaking slightly from concern as I snaked my left along my chest, curiously running along the red patterns that were still printed onto my scales. I eventually reached my slit, though the patterns on my body all seemed to curl up and focus around that point; it was probably just an aesthetic thing. I carefully managed to part my slit just enough to dip one claw inside and check that I still had all the right parts. At the same time, I was able to shift my body weight around and check to see of my stomach felt any 'different'.

I pulled my claws back instantly and let out a loud gasp, bringing one claw up to my forehead and rubbing it in disbelief. Artsua had actually managed to neuter me! I couldn't even feel anything inside my slit except for the walls of flesh that would've concealed my member. All of my reproductive organs had been cut out, but the strange thing was that I wasn't feeling any pain at all. I would've expected it to hurt like hell afterwards, even if it happened whilst I was passed out. I gritted my teeth and cursed under my breath, trying to deal with it whilst I felt around just under my ribcage to check if...

", no, no." I began to repeat to myself. My left claw was now covering my eyes as I began to sob from what I had...or rather, what I hadn't found.

Artsua had removed the egg that Elle planted inside me. It was the only egg that Elle would ever be able to lay, and the bastard Dog hadn't even given it a chance to live. The only biological child that Elle and I would be able to conceive...was now dead. I brought both claws and my knees up to my head, rocking myself back and forth slowly and continuously sobbing until I couldn't even cry anymore. My eyes were sore like the rest of my body by the time I had managed to stop myself.

"It seems you're finally awake." I heard Artsua's voice say. My sorrow now turned to anger as I slowly pulled my claws from my face, staring on at the section of wall in front of me as it slid open, revealing the cruel Canine still dressed in the same clothing as before. I couldn't have been asleep for as long as I thought...

"You bastard!" I cursed at him, swinging my legs around and lifting myself off the lab table, preparing to launch myself at Artsua. Unfortunately, I didn't consider that Artsua may have put in some form of 'defence'.

Before I could even raise one claw, I felt a jolt of electricity flow through me, making all the muscles in my body spasm. I fell to the floor about as fast as I felt the electricity invaded my body, shutting down all of my muscles and leaving me on the floor. Only shallow, rapid breathing was able to come out of my body as I lay sprawled on the floor, looking up at Artsua with angry eyes as he slowly leant over me, gripping my neck with one paw as he pulled out yet another syringe.

"Now, now." Artsua teased, smiling his same light, deranged smile at me as he held the needled end of the syringe up so I could see it. "I don't want to damage your body any more than you do."

"You killed...the only thing...I would ever be proud of." I wheezed, beginning to panic at what Artsua was about to inject me with this time.

"What do you want more out of life?" The Dog asked ominously, bringing the syringe forwards and pressing it into the flesh between the spines that made up my 'beard'; "someone to be proud of, or someone to be proud of you?"

"Besides, why kill something that has so much potential?" He asked rhetorically, dropping me down onto the floor as soon as he removed the syringe, leaving the liquid to flow through my body. "She is alive. I've never had the chance to test on a pure Red-Scale before...I wonder how your child will turn out."

I completely lost it as soon as Artsua mentioned the egg. He was going to do to my hatchling what he would do to me, and possible even Elle if she ever got involved...maybe she didn't even have to. Artsua was one of our most 'trusted' clients, and could simply invite Elle away from the club for one night. That would be the only thing the Dog would need to do to capture Elle and turn her into...into another mindless slave, just like the Reptile that caught me. I tried to launch myself at him again, but felt another jolt of electricity run through me, immobilising me again.

"What have you done to me?" I slurred, feeling much weaker from the serum Artsua injected me with. It felt like the same serum I had experienced before, but my mind was still able to function properly. I had not passed out yet...

"Just something to speed up the second phase." Artsua replied casually, holding the needle up to the light, probably to check that all the liquid was now in my body. It was. I was still looking at him in anger, but now partly in confusion. He elaborated. "You've already passed the First Phase, which was to be infected with Red-Scale and have all your useless 'assets' removed.

"The Second Phase," He continued, locking his eyes onto mine and giving me his smile again. "Will consist of...'augmenting' your body so that you will be of actual use to me. Then the Third Phase...well, you won't need to worry about that part much. Trust me, it'll be much easier on you the faster you submit."

"There is now way," I began, beginning to show my full anger with him...only a little though. "That I am going to submit to a short-furred, slobber-mouthed, traitorous, overgrown MUTT like yourself!"

As I said...only a little.

I wasn't exactly a 'Racist' as such. I was about as prejudice as anyone else in the city. There were always reasons for mistrust or caution around other races. Artsua was perhaps the only reason for my uneasiness around Canines (and sometimes Wolves as well). I didn't hate every Canine I saw; there was no reason to hate someone if your prejudice was the only thing that gave you a reason.

"You have quite the mouth, Lizard." Artsua let out a quiet laugh and broadened his smile just before turning around to leave me. "Pray that I don't have to stitch it shut."

I could sense that Artsua was serious around the idea. It didn't seem like he wouldn't do it, and it wasn't as if it made any negative impact on his plans for me. As he exited the room and left me by myself, I felt around my entire body, trying to find out what had caused the jolt of electricity whenever I tried to lunge at Artsua. I couldn't see or feel any stitches, so he didn't put anything inside my body, unless I swallowed it. But the jolt I felt had come from the back of my head, not my torso. Even then, there were no stitches or markings I could feel.

I eventually gave up and returned to the lab table in the centre of the room, sitting down for a moment and collecting my thoughts. I was trapped, I had been neutered in my sleep, and now I was going to be subject to god knows what until my mind and will are completely eroded. Not only that, but Artsua was also holding my unborn daughter somewhere else wherever I was. It was enough to provoke me into killing him as soon as I saw him again...whenever that would be. Even then, I had no idea where Artsua was holding my daughter. This was going to be though.

" what's in this room?" I asked myself, lying back down on the table and constantly rotating my head around the room, looking for something of use. An improvised weapon, anything. "...walls are window...the light on the ceiling is covered with reinforced glass..."

I kept on explaining the room to myself, only able to take note of the things that kept me inside the room. Obviously the person who made the room had made it to keep people in, albeit with as much comfort as can be provided. The room was equipped with everything I needed to get by over the least a full week, even with the lack of a bathroom area. Bearded Dragons were built to hold their food over long periods of time, mostly in the days, not the weeks. I would be lucky to even be fed whilst I was held captive.

I eventually stopped looking over the room and tried to relax, though my body was already limp and weak, leaving just my mind which was still racing from what was happening to me. There were no more holes to fill in and only a few assumptions to make. For instance, there was the question as to what I had been injected with three times over. It had the same rough effect on my body and mind, like many sparks were being set off all around my body, shutting down my muscles and eventually rendering me unconscious. The only difference I noticed was the third, most recent serum that I was injected with. My mind was still active, but my body had shut down. I noticed that I couldn't even move anymore except for my head.

As confused and angry - and even frightened - I was at that moment, I decided that the only way I would be fit to do anything with my body was to get some sleep. It wasn't even that hard to finally fall asleep. My body had already adapted to its own immense body heat, providing me with enough warmth to get comfortable. My eyes seemed to automatically close as I listened to my own rapid heartbeat slow down to a 'normal' rate.

With any luck, I would be able to find a way to get out of my 'cell' before Artsua was able to mess around with my body any more than he already did...