
She had told me many times before she was always sick i never got what she meant. if she was sick then why was she always around people why the hell would you go around people if you were sick.

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The Stages of Coronavirus Disease

Humans are dying to covid-19 and covid-19 disease spreading the foods, spreading the disease every year and all time, just variants of disease covid variants everywhere it's a disease spreads badly.

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Illian: A shattered world

The shattering of ill the first battle in the war of shattered souls, as the destruction of ill was named in later years, was the battle of ealar's fall.

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Dover: Layer 2: Humans.

But who is going to act out as god and call my disease a silly tug of war? well i tell you this. this is my disease and my problem, it's that simple. i am my own god, so to say.

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Love Knows No Bounds - A Morning Suprise

There have been 2 more cases of the strange disease experts are calling ‘zoomaad'. zoomorphic animal autoimmune disease â€" or zoomaad for short, had been transforming people into furs.

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When a Baby Dragon Gets Sick.

Here's a short story of my fursona getting sick that i wrote 6 months ago and haven't posted here until now...... "when a baby dragon gets sick" by jake draggie. "ah, ah, a-choo!"

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Kazufox Interview #2

ill fix that, i know a personal friend whos perfect for the job, but ill just sit back, relax, and(eyepiece glows) mwah(drools)~ ---- ~next morning at hospital~ ---- \*nurse\*: the doctor will be with you shortly. \*andrew\*: okay.

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Presto - Chapter 11

The fact that you're sick is terrible, and i feel awful for you, but i don't see you as your illness first, not even a close second. your illness is something you have, not something you are.

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Sera Fina part 3

"serafina, ill keep you warm while you sleep so you can rest, ill keep you all warm, and ill care for them." hadyn said, " i made you a promise you would get to see your cubs and i will make them live so you can.

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The Coming of Spring

In a drastic case gilorndir can just cure someone of the illness, however prefers to just let it run it's course provided we catch it early enough. a middle aged half elf had come through very ill from it and had already lost his vision from it.

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Your perfect weapon

ill be your bullet ill be your knife ill be the shield that saves your life ill be the one that kills in waves ill be the one who digs the graves the weapon you wanted i will be my endless slaughter none shall remain free nothing shall stand before

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Raven's Demons

A lot_ to compensate for her being too sick to walk.

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