The Stages of Coronavirus Disease

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Did you Know?

Coronavirus is a Contagious Disease.

It was Originated in Wuhan.

My first Nonfiction Literature I made.

It was originated in Wuhan China, The Bat Spreads all the Animals had a Disease from Wuhan, China. Than the Bat from Wuhan China. Humans are Dying to COVID-19 and COVID-19 disease Spreading the Foods, Spreading the Disease Every Year and All Time, Just Variants of Disease COVID Variants Everywhere It's a Disease Spreads Badly.

The Fairy Type Within (A Pokemon/Rainbow Magic Crossover Short Story)

Rachel and Kirsty was Leaving from Rainspell Island to Kalos, Alola Galar, and Paldea. "Bye Rainbow Magic Fairies I'll miss you!" said Kirsty. In Kalos Region, Alola Region, Galar Region, and Paldea Region were the Fairy-Type Pokémon Exists. "Wow all...

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The 12 Days of Satire Christmas

On the first day of Christmas my Mansion Gave it to Me, A Adorable Gingerbread House. On the second day of Christmas my Mansion Gave it to Me, 2 Betta Fishes and an Adorable Gingerbread House. On the third day of Christmas my Mansion Gave it to Me, 3...

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Jingle Bells, COPPA Locks

Harshing through the internet and a Child's Account Closed. Oh the mrs. fields we no Bratting all the internet Andrew Smith created COPPA Making accounts locked. but why is the COPPA Complied to the Websites Oh Jingle bells, COPPA...

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