Chapter 1 The New Guy
#1 of two men and a truck chapter 1 the new guy it's 6:35 am. it's a cool morning in the city of medina. xander leaves his home heading for another day on the job. xander is a male umbreon with red rings. he stands 5'-11" with a medium muscle build.
A male x male fan fic of burgerpants and nicecream guy. with added undertale characters from hotland.... not my art- art by "so...hows work been bp?"
Battle at the Arcade
"Hey guys, wake up I'm bored," complained the fox, standing behind the couch. Natsuro looked down and his friends, two twin German Shepherd/Tiger hybrids slept on the couch, each resting their heads on either side of the armrest. Natsuro pouted,...
A straight guy at GBL High: Prologue
He seemed really excited to get to know me, overall a friendly guy. when we finally arrived at the house i was astonished by what i saw. this house was huge! i've never actually lived in an house before, my old dad and i lived in an apartment.
the only loney guy in the world part2
Just then some guy throws some old kid clothes away cause his son was getting bigger and he had to get bigger clothes for him. after the guy left the alleyway the kid saw the clothes and put them on. they were a perfect fit too. and he slowly walked out of
the only lonely guy in the world part1
The story begins with a funneral and a guy inside a casket. just then the narrator starts to talk. narrator:you see that guy in the casket. yeah it's me. i just died resently. how did i die you asked?
An Encounter of The Guy Kind: Part 2
I replied as i watched his guy died. "just look," he asked, his voice directed at me. i looked, but was met with his lips, my ears twitched making a little noise as my mind went fuzzy.
Purple guy (FnaF song lyrics)
(chorus) your bloods on the floor, its going red. The life's left your eyes, your surely dead. Your skins gone cold, all white and pale. Now for sure, I'm going to hell. I got to hide the body, and I think I know where. It's not like these suits...
Spyro and the Shadowweaver
"sorry little guy. i'm gonna have to break your home." he said apologetically, inhaling deeply and preparing to send a gout of fire to sear the sticky webs.
Amber Silverblood: Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Forty Nine I knocked gently on Kimberly's door before opening it. It was still early in the morning, and the little angel was still fast asleep, curled up with Blister in her arms. She had kicked the blanket off, so I picked it up off the...
The Story Behind the Slaughter
I reminded myself of the character of the incredible hulk; one minute bruce banner, a very nice guy. the next a brutal monster consumed in a blind rage. these two things caused me to feel very bad about myself.
The Meeting
"hey, i'm noir lupine but call me derrik.... just some canadian guy here for a while" "hi. i'm skye masieniec." "why don't you two get together sometime and then flirt....