the only lonely guy in the world part1
The story begins with a funneral and a guy inside a casket. just then the narrator starts to talk.
Narrator:you see that guy in the casket. yeah it's me. i just died resently. how did i die you asked? i died from shattered and broken heart. and i died the worlds only loneleist guy. as you can see no one showed up at my funeral cause they were all busy with there mates. going on dates with them, watching tv with and kissing and holding each other, and any other stuff that mates would do together. all my life i have been ignored and not even looked at. and when others would talk to me they would say things like "i don't care" "get away from me" "what are you looking at" and any other insulting sayings. i guess i'll tell you my story starting with the begining.
The scenery then went to a hospital a couple of years into the past and it would show a couple in the delivery room as the lady was about to give birth to her baby.
Narrator:oh look it's my mom and dad. they are full of smiles as mom was about to give birth to her first baby.
Doctor:your doing great. just one more push and it'll come out.
Mom:oh good. then we can go and have more fun right baby.
Father:that's right sweetheart. so push this brat out of you so we can leave and do it again.
Narrator:wow even before i was born my dad called me a brat. and they didn't even care about me or whatever was going to come out of my mother.
Just then the mother pushed really hard and then the baby came out and the doctor went to wash and dry it and then looked at it.
Docter:oh wow what an ugly boy this is.
Mom:well it's over now baby.
Dad:yeah so let's get out of here now.
Docter:what about the baby you two.
Mom:umm leave it here or throw it away in the trash.
Dad:yeah we don't want kids. we like other kids but having one together is what we don't want.
Docter:well i guess i can put it in a dark room until it becomes a kid. and then we can let it lose into the world.
Mom:yeah let it live on it's own for the rest of his life.
Dad:and maybe he'll just live a better life at being alone.
Narrator:well my dad was a lier on that. my life didn't get better. it just got worse. but i'm a getting a little ahead of myself right now. let's skip to a few years now.
The scene went to a kid walking the streets and no one was paying any attention to him.
Narrator:that's me as a kid now. look on how everyone just walks by not paying any attention to me. i had no place to go. no place to live and i looked so shocked and worried. like i was a lonely child in the mall or on the streets which of course i was.
Kid:please someone help me. i'm lost and i don't know where i am. can someone help me.
Lady:get lost you ugly kid.
Guy:yeah no one wants to help you or will help you.
Lady2:why don't you just go and put a paper bag over your head and never take it off.
Guy2:or better yet just dig a hole and crawl inside of it and bury yourself so no one can look at you or hear from you ever again.
Then the kid started to show tears from his eyes and he started to cry as he ran off.
Lady1:what a brat.
Guy1:and an ugly one too.
Lady2:oh well at least he is gone. so come on. lets go and have some fun.
Guy2:yeah and then have some sexual fun at our place when we get done.
The kid then found an abandoned alleyway and went inside. he was all naked too so then he found some trash and made it into some clothes and then he laid down in a corner and cried himself to sleep.