Kindred Spirits, A Lesson Learned

Just the memory of the blackness made his head spin, and he closed his eyes once more, drawing in a long, slow breath, gradually forcing the nausea back, his senses returning to their full sharpness.

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Fire and Ice

The first few days we didn't go far, but gradually our explorations widened.

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R.E.S.C.U.E Chapter Two ~ The Team

Basin, water and all, the entire pool began to slide away, pulling itself in under the house like a desk draw gradually being pushed closed.

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Subway Inquiry (Otherwise Untitled)

The cockatoo's expression of stubborn hope gradually gave rise to a resigned kobold glare.

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Hazard Lights (Otherwise Untitled)

The hissing and wheeze of the car's engine buried into the soft dirt of the ditch gradually intruded into her awareness.

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Noisy Lack of Gathering (Otherwise Untitled)

~ the goat's ears perked again, a cup with gradually melting ice on the table before him, and sighed. for all of the raucous chatter and music of the arcade, the dining area was only sparsely populated.

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Disintegration: Chapter 6

"as she commands." replied the driver as the vehicle gradually became stationary before hovering in place. afterward, the battlemaster slowed down her movements.

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Dangerous Thoughts: chapter 2-1

gradually, his hands unfolded. "i know you're right. begin the calculations." "i already did. i should be ready in a day or two." those words filled the tree with hope. kylac turned and stepped out of the water.

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S1 Ep 30 Colton's Backstory

For a "backstory" he grew up like a normal anime protagonist, but growing up he had a very bad temper and anger issues as a kid but gradually calmed down over time.

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The Moon Didn't Lie (Otherwise Untitled)

Frost was gradually freezing to the inside of the windows as he looked over into the passenger seat, a shimmering moonlight illuminating the car's keys, his cell phone, and the phone's battery each neatly separated but at hand if desired.

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Gone (chapter 1)

The creature just laid there and let the gradual warmth from the sunlight to envelope him and give him some reason to get up.

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