Raven's Demons

_raven stood at the top of the gorge and looked down at the splashing waves of the salty seawater below.

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The odds are against me: chapter 6

"james said that after gorge took his life that i would have to take both our beatings for the first 2months with a large painful beating right away." he said not looking away but the fear remained in his eyes.

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A Dragon's Poem

But i've been known to stray back to the common pray, dining on the fatty creatures, who gorge on hay. the folk come after me, tell me i should stop. but they always think differently with burnt crop and scorched rooftops.

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Stuck Together Christmas "Special"

With the resumed gorging, new mass gathered on the comparitively spindly legs and ass of the new reindeer, filling out his lower half to match his top.

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Wing Giver

I give you my wings to help you soar through the gorge that fraternity hath forged. be strong and fight. don't you ever give in. it is emotional turmoil, but you can win! i will give you my wings every time.

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The Rolling Tides

He gorged and gorged, slowly feeling himself envelop the bed. venio was awoken from his haze by a staff worker clearing his throat. "ahem, sir? i'm sorry to say it, but we're in high demand. your next course may take a few more minutes to arrive..."

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Who needs a Bunny?

Landing in it, the creature soon found out the cave was already occupied by a old cougar, and after a short fight was soon gorging itself on the would be predator. not long after that it's lower body spasmed and it fell to the ground with a pained groan.

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Now Where Were We...

The vulpine hops up the ramp in three steps, practically jumps over the gorge and slides down the beam. in a surprise move, max repeats the sentence as best as he can remember.

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Climbing Lessons

They pushed out through the canopy of leaves, and the gorge opened up around them. it wasn't the most magnificent view that mallory had ever seen while climbing a tree.

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Draco - chapter 2

Il s'éclaircit la gorge et essaya. mais de sa gorge ne sortit qu'un petit couinement. - ridicule. dit spyro moqueur - t'as qua essayé toi. répondit kyo sur le même ton. - non merci. dit spyro. kyo réessaya plusieurs fois avec le même résultat.

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the cave and the curse

All he could rally do was walk along the path of the gorge in hopes to find it again so he started off one way. as he walked along the gorge he wondered what the inside of the cave might be like.

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un simple rêve

Darkrey se leva et dit : -...disque darkrey était totalement stupéfait de ce que il avait fait comme rêve -bon sang c'était quoi ça ,il avait pourtant la sensation de l'alcool dans ma gorge dit-il -c'est totalement bizarre continua-t-il -bon il est

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