
What had been a sagging, fold-covered swell that just made him look fat when he had come in had turned into something far more than that as the feline sat in his seat and just glutted.

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Good Life

The wolf didn't even notice this though, instead just glutting himself even more even as he saw a flash go off right in front of him. another flash, and harvy came back towards the gluttonous canine.

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Birthday Binge

The cubs, too enraptured by their insatiable glutting, barely noticed when the red panda placed a bowl beside each of them, only grunting thanks in between greedy swallows. however, they quickly perked up and turned their attention to the familiar dish.

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No, there was just eating, stuffing, glutting, and all manners of food-based debauchery that would leave any normal sight-seer ready for a salad and a year spent doing nothing but going to the gym.

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The feline couldn't be happier, and that was enough for him to push back the discomfort of glutting himself into such a state, and knowing he had so, so, so much more to go. so much more... and lobo was doing little more than looking forward to it.

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The Games We Play

Looking at his engorged frame, glutting itself on the slowly decreasing flow of creamy liquid, it would have been neigh impossible to tell that twenty minutes before he had been a fledgling body builder.

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All's Fair - Part 21

Whining how hard it all was, glutting, wallowing in filth. _i want him back._ _you don't deserve him. you never did. better without you._ agony.

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The Easy Life

Her glut that evening had been reckless, even by her standards, but then, she had not worked nearly so hard on any other day in recent memory.

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Brotherly Love

Although his plan took an unexpected turn, kazan was still immensely pleased to see his puppy glut himself on the remaining donuts, each one adding to his already-bloated midsection.

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Princess Luna - Chapter 3

You humans glut your bookshelves with such stories.... pandering to your pathetic fantasy." he spit in disdain.

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The Definition of Enabling

After stumbling back to the dragon's home, exhausted and drenched in sweat, they were taken out to dinner, just as luke promised, where they could glut themselves into another food coma while their appetites were fiercely reinvigorated from the intense bout

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A Price for Everything pt 5

He vowed to take at least one beakful out of it, no matter how glutted he already was, but then he spotted the harpy. titania sat at one end of the table with oberon at her side, and mab and dagda at the other end.

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