fluttershy inquired.
"oh, i think i got an idea for a punishment that will fit him."
Applejack, Butt, Fluttershy, Growth, Imp, MLP, Magic, My Little Pony, Pinkie Pie, Potion, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Shrink, Tail, Twilight Sparkle, cutting
Once fluttershy and i were outside the library, we had to decide how to go about rounding up our friends. fluttershy was the first to speak up.
Applejack, Celestia, Fluttershy, MLP, My Little Pony, Pinkie Pie, Plot Development, Raibow dash, Rarity, Shining Armor, Spike, Twilight Sparkle, War, luna
fluttershy said with her usual quiet, cute voice. "well..." twilight explained, "its not really that kind of creature..." "oh? what kind of creature is it?" fluttershy asked with a slightly confused look.
Applejack, Celestia, Fluttershy, MLP, Pinkie Pie, Pony, Princess, Rainbow Dash, Spike, Twilight Sparkle, luna
Rainbow dash snickered and pointed towards fluttershy, causing a few of the ponies to giggle or laugh at this. fluttershy, however, continued to hide even more. curiosity struck me and caused me to think.
Applejack, Celestia, Dragon, Pinkie Pie, Princess, Rarity, SKD Guardian, Sanrose, luna, surprise
fluttershy in the mean time was looking after loads of animals; her home was now over run with animals, the forests where a bit empty compared to fluttershy's home.
she loved the animals to stay, and she had said they could if they wanted too.
Applejack, Fim, Fluttershy, MLP, Mlp fim, Opel, Pinkiepie, Rainbowdash, Rarity, Spike, animals, books, gummy, hoarding
Scootaloo cuenta a applebloom y a sweete belle, su aventura con fluttershy. scootaloo. entonces fluttershy habló con el oso, y en cuanto a los lobos. ¡ella los dejó fuera de combate con un par de patadas! sweet belle.
Butterfly, Pegasus, Pony, Unicorn
She sidled over the fluttershy and put a hoof over her own.
"it's going to be okay, sugarcube. don't you worry none." fluttershy peered from beneath her long bangs, and applejack couldn't help but feel the fear in her eyes like a physical blow.
Applejack, Crossover, Delirium, Love, MLP, Pony, Romance
She dived down and landed and saw fluttershy surrounded by animals.
"fluttershy! you okay! i just heard that you fell." she looked over the filly's body to look for any bruises or scratches.
"i'm fine dash.
My Little Pony