Planet Empire: Armored Chronicles

Never the same twice where humans came up with numbers the raptor forces countered with brute force and ferocity. so much so even the russian trench chargers werent as bold.

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MidnightSun chapter 5: Derek?

He stopped as all his memories flew back into place with such ferocity that sparrow passed out. the locket falling from his fingers and falling down out the booth, right to the bottem of the steps, only to become lost in the shadows.

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The Key

The remainder of my humanity dissolves into the ancient ferocity of the wilds, and now complete i throw back my head and howl a triumphant, haunting song that crashes through the trees.

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SPQR Chapter 6

But the emperor's rage knew no bounds and he would probably go after the families of innocent men with the same ferocity as those whome he perceived to be threats.

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Creation of Furries Ch. 8.5

My entire body tensed, trying to control his ferocity. he growled, pushing harder. so, i relieved him. i slid out of the way, and kept hold of his horns. at this moment, he realized how close to the wall we had gotten.

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Wolfs Hound Special Ops: the three Wolfs (capitulo 1)

Proyecto: soldados genoma estados unidos: una de las más grandes potencias del mundo logró alcanzar lo inimaginable: con su poder científico-tecnológico lograron crear soldados más fuertes, combinando el genoma humano con el de los animales más feroces


The wind whipped past him, blowing with a ferocity that made him stagger forwards slightly. magic always seemed to do that, he noted.

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The Dying Stars

And, eh... on account of their appearance, and their ferocity, we have had a habit of calling them dragons. although, i see that they are not at all like dragons." "i see. quite the tale you tell.

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Fugitive's Trust Prologue Part 1

On the final eastern side, the one that had no slope or gable, a huge stained-glass window stood adorned with the image of the aspects of ferocity, kunterik and his unnamed mate.

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Antler to Antler - Part 3

Pine's ferocity is more than bracken is prepared for, twisting his head to the side, driving him down into the earth. pine knocks bracken off his feet, unlocks antlers and slams him with another blow to the side.

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Our City: Chapter Two

There was an animal ferocity, a brutal rage in this that a person could never pull off no matter how deranged they were. and besides, he could vaguely make out the other smell, faint now, the rain had diluted it, but undeniably there.

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Nightmane-Chapter 1

Almost as soon as i moved, the wolf lunged with unbelievable speed and ferocity, aiming to tear my throat out. i threw my arm up to shield myself out of reflex. i felt the wolfs sharp fangs pierce my flesh.

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