Nightmane-Chapter 1

Story by Loken Nightmane on SoFurry

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#1 of Nightmane

Chapter 1:

I sat at the diner booth leaning against the window. I sipped my coffee, the diner was silent except for the few faceless voices whispering at the counter. Apart from me the voices and the waitress, who was ironically sitting at the counter and ding what looked like last minute work, the diner was devoid of occupants.

"Gotta love all-night diners", I mumbled under my breath before taking another sip of my coffee.

My mind drifted as I sat there gradually draining what remained of my coffee. My thoughts turned to those of my former life. The life I had before I was reborn. I had a loving mother, father, brother and a beautiful girlfriend. I was sixteen and lived the normal life of a sixteen year old rebel. I went to your normal high school. I never really fit in, but hell, I never really cared. All I cared about was my lovely Kira.

Kira was a 5'9" sixteen year old and a part of my graduating class. Her preciously tanned skin went well with her long sunny blond hair. She had the body of a goddess and her curves complemented everything she wore. But the only thing that seemed out of place were her eyes. She had these deep ferocious blue eyes. Whenever I looked into them it was like I wasn't looking just at Kira, I was looking at something else. Like looking through the eyes of a beast.

I never paid heed to this. I always believed she was too good for me. She was just too beautiful and it always make me feel like it wasn't meant to be. But I just ignored the feeling and told myself not to mess this up, that if I believed hard enough, that it would never go wrong. Ha, what a god damn fool I am.

Everything was going well until that night, that awful god damn night. I couldn't sleep, I just tossed and turned till about 11:00, then I gave up and decided to get dressed and go over to her house and see what she was up to. I remember trying to sneak out the window and I made so much damn noise. I was thankful my parents were heavy sleepers. As I hopped out on the roof, a cold gust of the January breeze hit me in the face.

"God damn winter", I muttered and clung my hoodie all the closer to me.

I climbed down from my roof and fell onto the grass, then make my way to the sidewalk. It was a good half an hour walk to her house. I had been walking for a good 15 minutes when I remembered that she liked to sleep under the moon and the stars, no matter the weather.

So I redirected myself to the spot. The spit was the place where me and Kira had met. It was a rocky hill up in the park. It was an excellent place to stargaze. As I made my way through the woods to the spot, my thoughts kept drifting. I kept thinking about how beautiful the full moon was tonight, so I wasn't paying much attention to the root in my path in the wood. Needless to say, I tripped and fell on my face. My ankle stung with pain.

"Damn", I said to myself, "Must have sprained it."

It wasn't until this moment that I noticed that I had gone off the beaten path.

"And I seemed to have gotten myself lost." I said.

All of a sudden I felt like I was being watched. I quickly turned to see who was watching me but what I saw was not what I expected. As I turned a pair of glaring blue eyes glowed from the shadows staring right at me! I froze from fear under the things gaze.

As I stared into the eyes of the thing , its dark silhouette slowly crept until it stood bathing in the moonlight. It was a wolf! A huge black wolf bigger than any dog I had ever seen in my entire life! It looked severely angry. Its lips drew back displaying pearly fangs as a deep rumbling growl grew from the wolfs throat. Its black mane bristled as the wolfs hackles bunched up ready to lung and rip my throat out the minute I showed weakness. The wolf arched its back, ears erect and alert. It held there, glaring at me, growling and snarling in anger, ready to pounce.

Instinct kicked in, screaming at me to flee in terror, so I tried to inch myself backwards, unable to stand due to the agony throbbing in my ankle. Almost as soon as I moved, the wolf lunged with unbelievable speed and ferocity, aiming to tear my throat out. I threw my arm up to shield myself out of reflex. I felt the wolfs sharp fangs pierce my flesh. The wolf clamped down on my arm, refusing to let go of its newly found prey. It violently shook its head from side to side trying to rend my flesh open.

A warm numbness crept from my wounds where the wolf still sank its fangs, and began to spread through my veins like poison. All of a sudden, I felt nausea and ill, as my vision blurred. Everything seemed to slow down to a crawl, with the poison like feeling spreading throughout my veins and organs. The wolfs snarling and growling sounded faded and distant. I closed my eyes and thought, This is it... This is the end...

A split second later, the pressure on my arm vanished, letting it fall limp to my side. I heard a deep growl and a bark followed by a whimper then the sound of running paws on the grass. I painfully opened my eyes to look at what had happened, and saw what I never expected. A white wolf stood over my head staring down at me, with what looked like tears, beginning to form under its eyes. The wolfs ears were flat against its head and I heard it give a whine of sadness. It stared at me with deep blue eyes, her gaze betraying her grief and sorrow. The white wolf seemed so familiar to me, as if I knew it for my entire life. With the last of my strength, I reached out to stroke the mystically beautiful white mane of the wolf, who pushed into my touch, never letting her eyes leave me, and said the only thing I saw.

"Kira?" I muttered.

And then, I fell to the darkness.