Tournament of Champions
#4 of yu-gi-oh exceed "you seriously want me to enter this tournament, their's no way i could win this.", virgil said as he looked the poster that had a description of the duel monster competition.
Hunger poem
His fascination far exceeds normal and he has a thing for tigers, it appears. i could easily grab him and tear his face off. perhaps even photograph it as he does my fangs. though perhaps his fascination is just that.
The Feral Four File
The full extent of his mental powers is unknown, but is not thought to exceed class 3. **magic:** couatl is a spell caster of moderate ability.
Dragon Storm: Chapter 32: Shayde Vs. Yun, Exceeding the Limits to Attack!
Shayde, my son, you are a genius that has the power and potential to exceed anything or anyone!" kibroy said. "if you're trying to make me feel better out of pity, please stop." shayde said while crying.
A new world to explore.
Spinning on his heel, alan managed to get the impression of something very large, and exceedingly angry. the boy ran. he ran as fast as his young legs could carry him, and yet, it wasn't fast enough.
The PokeHumans: Prologue
Despite the original pokemons being able to withstand almost anything and were intelligent in their own way, the dr. always thought that they can be more, and exceed their levels by many points more. he was obsessed with the thought.
At Dinner
Her eyes bore anger and hatred as he continued "congratulations on that by the way, you've exceeded my expectations." he met her gaze, smiling he went on "anyway, i just wanted to let you know there's no hard feelings.
The world in ruin, Part 1.
He proved himself worthy to be a warrior at a very young age, and he exceeded his fellow students in the most important factor: strength. ''team, listen up!
Janner's tale 3-Not to plan
He offered a handshake to karn who accepted it, jurgen's grip also exceeding karn's expectations. after a quick briefing, jurgen returned to his bane-blade and told the other tank commander's what the plan of attack was.
A Letter to Elizabeth
Yet nothing is average about you, be it your exceedingly bright blue feathers or your gift for eliciting smiles. for myself, i can claim no manner of extraoridinariness to match yours.
Splintered Light, Chapter 5.4: Point of View
The salamander had to be exceedingly careful as to how he approached the next step of his time with the dog. treading carefully, the translator decided to counter the question with one of his own.
Apathetic of his own life and those irrelevant to the operation, signs of mental instability, prone to eruptions of uncontrollable rage, social disassociation...that's just the tip of an exceedingly towering iceberg." "i'm well aware of that general.