Rexi and Talon: 21 -- 'Zackton Silvercane'

If you mean, on the other hand, a sort of _mental_ state - one of, frankly, barbarian savagery exalting strength, violence, and brutality as opposed to one preferring sophistication, the company of others, and the appreciation of things other than warfare

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 3 - A Fateful Accord -

You will not recieve such an exalted status amongst the others of our kin... foolishly fighting amongst each other... but know that i will always be with you... cyril... go forth... and fulfil your destiny..."

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[TF] Perfect Chord

The dancer swells up her chest in pride, exalted by her own song. air flows through pao tu's lungs, increasing her size to match that of her twin sister.

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[TF] A Scent of Rubber and Rust

Weakened, he collapsed on the pile of rubble that was once part of the fortress's ceiling, utterly exalted to witness such a fantastic demonstration of power.

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Fivefold Fang: the Importance of Prayer

Given this exaltation, you should have leapt forward and been halfway to your destiny at this point. instead, you still wander the halls of this tabernacle.

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Vivat Draco

And the million throats took up the chant and cried it back to him, cried it in joy and in sadness, in grief and in hope, from tradition and in exaltation: "long live the seigneur!"

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Three

_" kulgan crowed, springing back to his feet and pointing at the mess he and tikta had created in a rare moment of exaltation. "did you see that?" summoned by the gunfire and screams, more red fangs warily peeked their heads around the corner.

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Dodekatheon Pantheon

Both routes lead to greatness-an exaltation of human endeavor that blocks the titans from destroying the world. the greek pantheon's greatest weakness is hubris-belief that the individual is capable of winning out against fate.

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Dry Eyes, Cold Hearts (Ch. 1)

The people gathered around shouted in exaltation, and scattered to make preparations. a duel was a grand event, and the people loved nothing more than a fight in the ring.

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Reigning Cats and Dogs

The spreading wave of terror that carnassial once exalted in only left him sullen and silent now. his stomach growled. the sickly blend of both of their sweat, the inescapable scent of bark and spore-rich made his lungs heave.

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Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 23

Before this debacle, hezzi would have been sent reeling at the mere thought of an exalted warrior calling him a snivelling coward, but now he was grinding his teeth together in anger, a low growling coming from deep inside his throat.

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Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 23

Before this debacle, hezzi would have been sent reeling at the mere thought of an exalted warrior calling him a snivelling coward, but now he was grinding his teeth together in anger, a low growling coming from deep inside his throat.

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