#1 of special short stories morrigan is a wolf vegan wolf woman, married to a rabbit man named erik. all is well, but erik is a butcher and enjoys his job. morrigan isn't fond of this, but she won't let it affect her.
Cloricia vs Erik 2
Shandra then gave erik a very stern look. she new he was lying. erik didn't say anything back. "so....what did you want to talk about?" erik said, moving the conversation along.
A Big Advantage
erik asked, sticking close to his side. "do you need another drink?" "i'm fine, but thank you. i'm just sore, really." erik held out his paw. "come on, let's get you back to your rooms."
A bear named erik, and a husky named adam.
Escaping the Storm: Part 1
It shocked erik to a halt, the shallow skittering that followed pulling his eyeline downwards.
Chapter 2: The Xenomorph
But then she heard screams, including erik's, from the room under them. they were students in the same school. erik was in his classroom when something frightening happened to him.
Code Drop: Good as Gold - An Official Heat Anthology Teaser
erik's father twitched one ear with concern. "is that a problem? you kids're dating, so i just figured." the younger golden gripped the jackal's slender paw. "i can sleep in the living room if you want, tess." tess stammered. erik wagged.
Chapter 13: Escape
Xenan was walking with erik in his arms. he carried him easily. "uuuugh... my head aches!" - suddenly erik said, seeing that xenan was holding him. "you'll be alright. want some water?" - the xeno said, putting erik on his human feet.
Against All Odds: Part 22 - Breaking The Walls
"i do not think it's likely," erik replied with a sad frown, idly fiddling with some of the tools atop his bench. "i doubt they will have waited around for long." "i must do something, erik! if i do not..."
Chapter 2: Unexpected Guests
Xenan and erik went a little bit deeper in the forest and the xenomorph asked "erik, i have a question. who do you think is stronger - predators or xenomorphs?" "oh my, why do you need to know?" - erik asked, looking confused at xenan.
Plot of Mission Earth
The mysterious being which erik fought before tells erik about his stay for 10 days with them.
Code Drop: Powder Hounds - An Official Heat Teaser
erik nodded, quizzical quirk on his muzzle. tess glanced at the stool, not wanting to get someone's spilled drink on her new snowpants. "house special again, erik?" "ya gotta try new things."