Chapter 13: Escape

Story by Momchil the dragon slayer on SoFurry

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This is an awesome chapter!

Chapter 13: Escape

James was in his rage and said by shooting a few rounds at a xeno "This is for my family!" after that he shot a few marines. He took a granade from one of the bodies and a pulse rifle. James started shooting in random directions, killing everything around him and after that a xeno knocked him on the ground. A few other xenos went around James and he invoked the granade and said "This is for Xeyana..."

Mercy and the others were running from what seemed the living hell and after... KABOOM! Mercy turned around to see a big cloud of smoke to rise and people and xenos to fly around. "James!!! Noooo!!!..." was all she could say and she felt so deep pain in her heart and couldn't hold herself from crying. Erik wasn't in a good mood, too and said "He did it for our own good... he will be remembered." Xenan wasn't having a good day and only said "Let's keep moving..." They went near a river and drank some of the water coming down the mountain. They kept walking all night and were close to a city where they could search for help. Seth was checking out the perimeter and noticed that there wasn't very active nightlife in that city. He had a bad feeling about this.

Weyland was waiting for some news from the team he sent and finally saw Hera coming with a worried face. "Any news?" - Weyland asked with big amount of seriousness in his voice. "Yes... sad news. From the team there are only 12 survived. They say that they attacked a group of xenos and a man blew up a granade which killed the xenos and most of the team." - Hera said with fear. Weyland was stunned by the news and couldn't do anything right now. "You're dismissed." - He said peacefully as Hera was amazed by the way he said it. She went out of his office and headed to her room. "What do we do now? Will we continue the operation, or what?" - Jim asked. "We continue. We can't leave this chance right now. When we have some more xenos, this will give us the opportunity for more research of the psychology of the xenomorphs. We will have these aliens."

Mercy walked slowly and her mind couldn't fit the fact that most of her family is dead. She had Erik and that thought made her feel a bit better. The night first sunlight appeared from behind the mountain and shined their way to the city. Then they saw it. They saw the city and a big cloud of smoke above it. But did they have another chance of possible survival?

When they arrived, they saw some xenos on the roofs of houses and blocks. "What do we do?" - Erik asked Seth. "Leave them to me. I will cover you. Here, take this." - Seth gave Erik a device that looked like a bomb. "This is a bomb and I will show you how to activate it. You push those three buttons and place it somewhere in the center of the city. This should kill most of them." - Seth told him and Erik answered "Okay... good luck with the xenomorphs." "You too... now go!" - The predator told him as he started drawing the attention of the few xenomorphs on the roofs. They quickly went down and attacked Seth, who was killing them.

Erik had a knife, which was going to do shit to the xenomorphs. Good thing that Xenan was with him. Mercy and the others were on their way to somewhere far from the center of the city. After 20 minutes of running, Erik said "We're... almost... here!" - he was breathing heavily as 3 kilometers aren't easy to run. He set the bomb in the closest place to call center of the city. "I don't... think I can... run the distance... again for 20... minutes!" - Erik said to Xenan, who picked him up on his back and started running back to the furthest parts of the city. On the way a few xenos were after them and Erik got his knife out. One of the xenos was just about to get him off Xenan when Erik said "Eat this!" and threw the knife into the xenomorph's mouth and it fell on the ground choking with the knife and spilling acid from it. "Wow, this was more brutal than I thought it would be..." Erik said in amazement.

Seth was fighting the big amount of xenos, but couldn't hold them much longer, so he ran towards the center of the city, where the bomb was set. A lot of aliens were after him and that made him think "That's good... no victory for these beasts!" and in the same moment the bomb exploded, killing Seth and a lot of xenomorphs. The whole city was being destroyed and many creatures not from this world died, trying to escape or not even knowing what was happening.

Erik saw the big blue half circle growing bigger, and bigger and almost killing him and Xenan. The alien woke up dizzy and all of his body hurted after the explosion. He searched for Erik and saw him unconscious on the ground. Xenan could sense his heartbeat and knew that the blast didn't harm him a lot. Xenan picked him up and searched for Mercy and the others, but could only see ruins from buildings and some xenomorph parts, which made him say "Eew... I didn't know we were so disgusting from inside." Xenan finally managed to climb a high place and saw the other group a kilometer away.

Mercy was stunned from what just happened and could tell that the predators have full equipment of destruction. "At least the xenomorphs in this city are dead..." - she said to herself and saw Xenan holding Erik and behind them the sun shining brightly. "Look! They are alive!" - Mercy said loudly and with a smile. Xenan quickly came down to them and kissed Mercy, putting Erik gently on the ground. "I'm glad you two made it!" - She said, kissing Xenan once more.

"Sir, we've got orders from Weyland to continue the operation." - A strong soldier said to his officer, who was commanding the squad of soldiers... or what was left of them. "What?! Is this man crazy, or am I stupid?! We can't just continue the operation!" -Said another soldier, who was listening to the conversation. "Yes, you're stupid, but have some point, because the xeno-hunting isn't easy and may cause a lot of casulties. But we continue the operation, so shut your mouth, Stanley!" - The officer said, glaring at Stanley, who looked down at his feet. "We're all gonna die..." -He said before getting a punch from the other soldier.

Xenan was walking with Erik in his arms. He carried him easily. "Uuuugh... my head aches!" - suddenly Erik said, seeing that Xenan was holding him. "You'll be alright. Want some water?" - The xeno said, putting Erik on his human feet. "Well yeah, I would like to have some." "There is a river nearby. We can go there for a break." Xenan said, looking at the tired group of people. They went to the calm river and drank some of it. They had no food and the had to eat. "We will stay here for the night. I will go hunt and luckily will get a dear or some other wild animal." - The xenomorph said with saliva going down his mouth from the thought of meat. "Okay, but when it's getting dark, come back!" - Mercy told him as he was already on his way into the close forest.

End Of Chapter 13

Wow, probably the longest chapter so far! I hope you all enjoy reading! Follow, leave a review and see ya all soon!