The Dragon Clan

They are the light to every dark point in a dragon's life._ _a dragon proverb_ chapter 6 a lone dragon flew through the vast night, his scales sky blue dyed the color of the ocean beneath the night sky, his wings buffeting the air keeping him aloft

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A Dragon's Fortune

"hey, how much would it cost for you to turn my girlfriend into a dragon too?" the woman looked between the dragon's face and the wallet several times as she tried to take in what he had just asked.

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Diary of a Dragon

Until one day we came to a peaceful world, full of dragons, living and working together. they did not make war upon one another, for all had what they needed. there were many different kinds of dragons, from small fairy dragons, to huge leviathans.


A Dragon needs...

When he felt he was close enough, he leaped, sword poised to skewer the dragon's heart. a dragon needs to fly. the wings pushed the dragon well out of reach of the determined warrior.

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Gary the dragon

I grunted, then said as more of a dragonly roar that even he'd be proud of, 'leave!' he stalked off. that dolt. what did he know? he was absorbed by a whole world of honor and prestige, and couldn't appreciate simple joys.

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Dancing Dragons

They were gorgeous sculptures, a black dragon with silver horns and feathered wings twisting around a forest green dragon with wood brown horns mid-flight. "how much?" "for ophion's friend, they're on the house.


Dragon envy

### i feel like a peace of me isn't suppost to be here but there, something great, something pure, a dragon, a guardian, a guardian of earth, a guardian of love.


Dragons war

**dragon wars** asmara leapt at santhara with his dragon blade gashing santhara's shoulder wide open.


Dragon's Coin

In this scenario, you loose most of your power base for trying something so foolish as to attack a dragon's offspring rather than the dragon himself, and leave the country forever."

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Coming of the Dragon

Reban, you are magically one of the most powerful dragons to have ever lived. as you know, the dragons with your level of power have never been black dragons.

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Here There Be Dragons

The dragon sat right back down and i was still beneath his tail hole. this time i popped right into the dragon. the dragon's tail hole sealed shut behind me and i could not force my way out.

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Dragon Hunter

dragon hunter a furry erotic story (c) daimont silverfeather. this story is a work of fiction and involves an anthropomorphic dragon in a situation that is not suitable for underage readers.

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