Goodnight, Dragon
Let's set the scene: it's Tuesday evening. It had been a long day, and Neurario the lucadragon was currently in the process of winding down. He was watching something on the internet via the TV in his living room, as he liked to do. It was something to pass the time, and it had become somewhat of a ritual for him that he enjoyed. He reached for the throw blanket, draped over his legs, and pulled it up to his shoulders for warmth.
He was usually shirtless, but today in addition to his signature orange shorts he had a dark blue robe wrapped around him, with two vertical holes in the back to allow for his wings. The blanket also served for warmth, keeping him nice and toasty.
The programme he was watching ended eventually, and Neu wondered what he should do. As much as he wanted to stay up and talk to friends on the internet, he knew he wanted to sleep, as he would need to be up early to travel to the city. With this in mind, he decided to get himself ready for bed.
Neurario sat up, yawning gently. He grabbed the blanket he had and wrapped it around his shoulders, and stood up, his feet padding gently through to the hallway. The second door to his right revealed a small room his computer area, for gaming and talking to buddies online. In his mind he decided he would make some upgrades to that machine one day.
He continued on to the next door, his master bedroom... The dragon had yet to unpack some of his things, so one of the corners of the room was still dedicated to boxes of personal things. Neu ignored it and went for the bed at the far end of the medium-sized room. There were two thicker blankets on it which he was grateful to have tonight, as he climbed under the covers, neglecting to throw off his shorts or robe. He shivered at the coldness of the bed and got comfy in it, pulling the blankets up to his shoulders, yawning again. Hopefully it would warm up quickly, he said to himself.
He reached for the dresser next to his bed and picked up his Zune and the headphones already connected to it, pulling them over his ears. The media player was an old model, but it held his music so he was simply happy for that. Neurario pulled up a playlist of soundscapes, and as the ambience of a forest rainfall faded in and began to mask the tinnitus in his ears, he began to relax.
His head hit the pillow, and he put the music player in a safe place on the dresser as he laid back and closed his eyes. Those tired eyes welcomed the darkness, and as his body warmed the bed, in turn keeping himself warm, Neurario the dragon soon fell asleep, the artificial rainfall sounds filling his dreams.
He slept soundly that night. But he would still complain about waking up early the next day.