Furries University Chapter 5: BONZAI!!!!

Five minutes after the thirty minute documentary kitsune was finished. "well it is done guys" spoke kitsune setting seven bowls on the counter "bonzai"! "wow" shouted ryu "i never smelt anything that good.

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Group Therapy (Pilot Part)

But it wasn't; it was a documentary, and it dropped that unforgettably fun fact that when you look up into the night sky, the stars you see might not even look like that now.

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The new dinosaur (part1)

Dinosaurs: recreated" i said " sounds more like a documentary" she than said "how about... \*gasp\* cretce... no... how about... oh! mesozoic park!" i say "you know... thats good... thats a awesome name!" she said "thanks...

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Expired Magic

Like a perverse recreation of alice's outgrowing of the white rabbit's house sponsored by the supersize me documentary, the now-gigantic dinosaur's arms and legs stuck out of his house for a few precious moments before the rest of his expanding bulk made quick

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Finding Ones Place, pt 2

Video game rentals in the back right corner, new releases along the back wall, with tv serieses one the left, and fiction, sci fi, and documentaries scattered along the center area in what looked like no real apparent order.

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 22 of 37

His t.v. showcased some urban-pet documentary. "do anything today?" i asked, trying to break the ice. i took a courtesy sip of the beer - cold and bitter.

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Furries University Chapter 4: What's this now?

Five minutes after the thirty minute documentary kitsune was finished. "well it is done guys" spoke kitsune setting seven bowls on the counter "bonzai"!

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Long ago (1)

Most of the human documentaries said we were an accidental by-product of a ‘sensory system enhancement'. i knew better, so did she.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 39 - Bon a santé...

But the most fascinating documentaries to me were the ones about space and aliens... yes, i know, shocking isn't it? i bet you never expected that from me.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 108 - Zoological

"i saw it in a documentary, once. at least, i think it was a documentary..." she thought for a second. "i'm pretty sure that's a load of bs," the rabbit stated. the younger kids exchanged glances at the vulgar acronym.

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Character for Shadowrun Story: Franz

Background: born in düsseldorf as an elf in the 2010s, franz welker grew up watching videos of hans and franz and arnold swartzenegger, rambo, rocky, and hollywood hulk hogan but he also saw an old documentary on steroids, and wanted to be like physically

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The Rise of Serpens: Aftermath

Eyes drooping, he fell asleep to a documentary about indigo snakes on his tv. looking at his new pet and thinking how beautiful she was, he finally fell asleep. serpens watched through the man's window.
