Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 14

Marshall's fur was still a bit dirty with mud, but he didn't mind. as the spotted pup saw everyone pull up, he let out a giant smile. everyone got off their vehicles and ran to hug the dirty, soaked pup. "marshall! we're so glad you're safe!"

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Holiday fun

Reginald, and he said, " get off my boyfriend you dirty old bastard" he grabbed cam and pulled him away. cam accidently scraped his teeth against the ursine's member and mr. reginald screamed.

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 37: Fragile Trust

If there was something that annoyed tom, it was seeing dirty stuff and not living up to one's own word. for now, he just huffed and went to the bathroom to do his business.

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Chapter Four, Memories Fond and Fearful

The dirty gnarled hands reached for her, getting closer. aimee stood there, paralyzed in fear. the memory of the girl's face kept swimming before her. \*skritter, skritter, skreet skreet!

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An Introduction to a New Series

"dirty" breeds: truly half-breeds of the same line as the mammalian type, these "dirty" breeds are really just a social caste that has been formed over the years as a distinction between mammalian and non-mammalian types.

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Burdens - Chapter 140: Savor

He saw the wolf's bag set on the floor, and so he entered, tossing his dirty clothes off to the side. he was met with a hug from the large wolf, and he felt warm once more.

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A Child's Fears

Mother, there's a monster living in my closet, too, beside the dirty laundry - you will find this true. lair made of dirty socks it has been known to make - the shifting in its nest is keeping me awake. will i ever be able to look into that space?


3:14 Psychological Warfare

"they call it a dirty bomb." mick explained, bending down to check some of the wired connections. she raised an eyebrow in question. "as opposed to all the clean ones?" "this is just me, but i call it a dirty bomb because it's like a dirty trick."

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Sad Avali Story

Almost at once, an arc of red, warm blood lanced from the vein, splattering the doctor's coat and the dirty rag that covered the bed.


Chapter 2 - Home and Hearth

It wasn't a _real_ growl, of course, but he hated being dirty, remember? "don't touch me when you may as well be a fireplace. go clean up or something."

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castle cleaner crusaders

The window was dirty the writing desk was too, the floor was covered in food and dust, the on sweet bathroom was too.

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And it was such a good day too

Rarity was the only pony who seemed to mention aj's dirtiness but rarity complained about everything. and was always much too worried about getting dirty. rarity had an epiphany one day that she could get dirty but quickly lost it.

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