Vixi's Shocking Meal

Vixi's shocking meal warning: this contains soft digestion (soft vore. eating the prey whole and digesting it).

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POV vore - you and a bear 1

Wads of wet hair, grass and partially digested bones lodge in the folds of its gut and press in against you. your clothing, shorts and t-shirt, soak through instantly and the hot digestive slime starts to eat away at you.

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Uncatchable: Mewtwo

Fighting until you passed out from a lack of oxygen to be digested away by mewtwo.

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Cabin in the Woods

KingKingSTARwolf looked around warily. The fox seemed to be nowhere in sight. That meant it was safe for him to go inside its den, yards from where he was standing. He hid behind a bush, his ears perked to catch the slightest of sounds, but he heard...

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Mr. Snack

I wreaked of metallic smell of acids, and the stench of long digested meals. it was rather a tight fit, walls pressing and squeezing around the small dragon as digestive fluids and chyme covered the small male.

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Master Viper's secret prison

Only a good friend would be allowed near her as she settled down to digest such a huge meal. "last year they sent those two meerkets. they were very skilled," viper hissed.

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Breakroom Treats

The pressure was building, and bod was hoping that he would digest it faster. it was a this point that he looked up, and saw the ceiling coming very close to him and his friends.

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"when we were all eaten we expected to be digested like food normally would be in our bodies. this creature doesn't take most of its energy through digesting complex organisms into proteins and turning them into amino acids."

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A Khajiit's best friend (vore)

But until then, enjoy your stay" and with that he was gone, leaving barbas to digest in d'jara's stomach. "that absolute..."

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Here There Be Dragons

For some reason, even though everybody was in the same digestive acids, people were being digested at different speeds. the ones that did what the dragon said were gone within minutes.

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vore in a nutshell part 1(comedy)

{insert name here} got digested by {insert name here}.


vore in a nutshell part 1(comedy)

{insert name here} got digested by {insert name here}.
