Koto (chapter 2: Surprise!)

#2 of koto when a bad luck ridden jolteon named koto finally finds a semi normal life, he is thrust back into danger. he and his new companions will have to stop an army. both to save themselves, and the entire hoenn region. hello everyone!

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1 Down, 400 Billion to go

# 1 down, 400 billion to go. By: Marcus R. Jones The controls vibrated slightly, as the engines roared to life. The fur's paws shaking a little with the excitement of what they were about to do. The air was cool and dry, the lights dark and coming...

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UTOverse: Surrender (Part 5)

And anyone who says it's more dangerous than for you to sleep on your own can kiss my ass!" "isn't it more dangerous than if i slept on my own, though?" ken abruptly asked. rufu smirked down at the smiling human, hands on her hips.

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TSS- Green Fog

Part of her was still focused though, moving her slowly away from the source of the danger, away from further injury. she became dimly aware of lying against the far back wall, curled up and sobbing.

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Under The Blazing Sun (Chapter 1)

Crescendo just couldn't take it anymore. He fell to his knees, feeling the smooth desert sand in between his fingers. He coughed a couple of times, which hurt his throat because of how dry it was. Flopping over onto his back, he reached for his...

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The Lead Crown, Ch 4.6 Noriene

Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 4.6 Noriene Noriene rubbed either side of her head with her first two fingers as she made her way down the hall. It was well into the night and she'd spent far too many hours that evening obsessing over what limited...

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This is a dangerous place for prey to be." ellie eyed the cat warily. if she went with him, there would be no escape.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 6a, A World Apart (Pt 4)

Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 6.4, A World Apart Julius awoke in a sweat, his tongue panting out of the corner of his muzzle as he bolted upright. Everything had been so sharp-- so vivid; it took several seconds for him to realize that he was...

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The Story of Aarya

Swiftly, but cautiously she continued deep into the hills, far past the safety of her town, and undoubtedly into certain danger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Dangerous Dynamo #1

The projector sputtered and crackled as grainy black and white footage with the accompanying background piano that made up for lack of recorded audio to match the video. Elliot, even after all these years, still found some magic in it as he watched...

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Vegetables Are Dangerous People

**vegetables are dangerous people** **by weasel** police surrounded the farmer's home, hostages were taken, and no one was backing down for complete control over the situation. in the barn was a little girl, hiding from the mess outside.

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Danger in Hidden Water

"we're not going to take him, it could be dangerous," the woman replied. "garf is right, we should take him as a guide. besides, he was heading that way before we stopped him," clo said.

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