FF9: Voluntary Statuary
So we were told if we could petrify our volunteers, have them be copied, and then be cured the next day instead of being petrified in the morning and cured in the afternoon we'd get extra credit - if a petrification lasts over a day on its own it proves you
Krystal's Arwitrin Ad
.)** narrator: arwitrin, the ultimate cure for athlete's foot.
SWAT Kats: Vampire Stalker, Ch 9-12
However, after the gaseous form of the cure was made he hoped more would be returned to normal.
Mind you he never released any information about this cure to anyone, but everyone took him at his word. strange don't you think?
Fables & Follies
"he's sick himself, and yet he'll preach "upon the cures outside his reach! "so put these words upon your shelf:" then scoffed, "physician, heal thyself!"
And so they all soon followed ratchet to give prime and jetfire the cure.
Continued Exchange, Epilogue
Try as he might, he just couldn't "cure" simba and bambi. he best way he could describe it is that the energy had too strong a hold on them, most likely from his initial attempt to cure them.
A Tail of Beastians - Chapter One: Abduction
"why, i'm going to use your dna to help people all over the world," the professor said, "i'll use it to find a cure for cancer, a cure for diabetes. you have no idea how special your dna really is."
The good doctor
He was going to help them, even if they were afraid of the cure he was proposing. it was beautiful; they ran and flailed, but the good doctor continued striking, determined to cure them.
Facility- Chapter 10
And then what would that be like when i cure myself? will i grow a new big toe? will i spend the rest of my life with only four toes just as i'll probably need dentures the rest of my life?
And we have a cure which as you can see here. for if you want this cure then i challenge you to a one on one rematch my old friend." which ironhide then said ",and what makes you think that i would come and accept your challenge?"
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 70: All That You Are (Rising Part II)
"but i am the cure?" zhade asked. "yes." i said grabbing the med kit. "so i am the aloe to your poison ivy?" "yes." "oh i am going to enjoy this!"