The Rogue: Part 1

My eyes tracked my torpedo as it flew towards the cruiser. silently, i counted down the seconds until it hit.

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Werewolf Tale II - Chapter 12 - On The Hunt Again

The scent of the pig eluded him until he found a weak trace from it near where the cruiser stopped.

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D.E1 Chapter 2: Our new home

K9 was actually the medic aboard the d.e cruiser.

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A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 6

"they don't care if we actually had anything to do with the cruiser," night star answered. "they don't even have to be sure to make us all go away.

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The Prince of Shcrade

Everyone quickly got back onto the cruiser and made a break for the ship as the beast reared its head out of the sand with jaws wide open and kerric already had the cruiser in full blast. "alright angel! on my signal ready?"

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D.E1 Chapter 6: Earning our wings.

This is fascinating, considering that none of our ships have windows, except for the dome at the wolf5000de cruiser. "i can't believe i'm finally inside of a real wolf500. this is amazing..."

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D.E1/LOTVS Crossover: Chapter 1 (Husky P.O.V)

"think we could take the d.e cruiser for a spin soon, k9?" a yellow eyed malamute evocanis asked the captain of the d.e1 cruiser. they were both standing by the hangar gates inside the d.e1 cruiser as they checked the runway.

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D.E1 Chapter 7: An endless source of energy

_ _many kilometers away from r105; fx, andy and i were approaching the d.e cruiser. our assignment was fulfilled. as we got closer to the d.e cruiser, i had a visual on it, but something odd happened. "guys... what the...?" i exclaimed.

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The Radical Beginning: Part One

Jablonsky and lyman's purloined cruiser rapidly gained on the pursuit.

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The Great Adventure Chapter 2

In front of him he could see a couple of light cruisers speeding towards his carrier, swarming around a large grey dreadnought shaped battle cruiser, its mass and bulk blocking out the nearest stars light source.


: CH 5 : Where things went wrong

But the group in the cruiser stopped quickly, the backdoor on the cruiser flying open even before the vehicle came to a full stop.

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