Zombie Outbreak Part 1

I line my crosshairs up and squeeze the trigger. instantly i can hear the silenced shot ring out beside me as the bullet tears through my targets head, before it drops to the ground. i line my next four shots up and they all hit there mark.

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The Battle Beyond the Field - An Interview With the Legend

Enemy troops flooded the streets, firing at anyone in their crosshairs, like savage beasts that knew nothing other than destruction. the unsc troops faught back valiantly, but at the cost of millions of casualties, both military, and civilian.

Drakensang Chapter 5

He extended his arm, touching few of the smaller ships, marking them with targeting crosshairs. - talon two, seven, eight; your targets have been marked. engage hostiles.

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Anarchy Riders

They didn't glow nearly as bright however as the crosshair tattoo on both paws. this was because this was used to transfer energy to any device he choose, namely the 9mm mark 2 model pistol he had holstered.

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Finding Humanity Chapter 2

She does as he ordered and sees the beam's barrel extend out from her arm and she looks at the target and sees crosshairs appear in her hud. she fires and hits dead on in the bullseye on the head on the target.

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WIP- Red Winter Spinoff.

The mercenaries then quickly turned their crosshairs on his bodyguards who were trying to flee in the car. but the bullets found their marks as well and the guards were taken out along with their boss.

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The Doctors of Doom, Part Eight

A targeting scope swiveled into place and she sighted the pipe cover through it, focusing her crosshairs on the valve handle in particular.

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How I Found It All: Part VII

I sighted it in the scope, making sure that it was in the crosshair, and fired. there was a tremendous bang in my ears, and i saw a little bit of blood spurt on the buck where i hit it.

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Task Force - Long Shot

The lines of my crosshairs sat on the black feathered head. he truly was a majestic creature. now i knew why he called himself the phoenix. i inhaled again, slowly exhaled and paused.

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Galactic Conflict - Chapter Ten

The stealths were interested in why they were caught in the crosshairs. what they were all interested was a way to defeat the creepers but they were all reluctant to make their galaxy as barren as the one before.

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 1-In The Begining

I quickly pulled myself up and walking beside the baffle, i pressed forward with jonas' troops, dropping anyone foolish enough to wander into my crosshairs. all at once, my 48 went click click and i shouldered it in exchange for my b32r.

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In the Desert

Haluam shifted the crosshairs to scan around the crowd, in order to see if she had stumbled someplace else.

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