Is Love Real? -Chapter 1

Arielle moved to glenwood springs, colorado. her family hates her and abuses her. she meets a guy that she thinks is handsome and cute. she doesn't know what to think of him but knows that he's popular.

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All this news about killing innocent kids at school, movie theater shoot outs in aurora, colorado and most recently a navy yard shoot out...

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A Cool and Calm Night

Now say goodnight colorado and pray for tomorrow's dawn; for even though the old sun in gone, the tunes must go on. " with that his mic turned off and another oldie started to play.

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Jared and Gnat - Part Eight - A New Journey

It should be enough to get you to colorado," he said with certainty. the look in his eyes was one of a man who had made peace with the world, and, more importantly, himself.

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The Hollow Silence, Part One

**denver, colorado; january 11, 2016** therese walker browsed through the short pile of photos that the police had released to the press. the face of the deceased was visible on two of them, but the self inflicted gun-wound wasn't.

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Journey of Destitute

This is completely new territory for me as a writer: a post-apocalyptic story set within the wastelands of colorado. journey of destitute by rahne kallon \*\*\* geo dropped to his knees, panting with exhaustion as his feet gave out.

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Becoming :Part 5- A life Interrupted

Soon after his arrival, alex learned that he was in the mountain town of evergreen, colorado. it was a pleasant little town.

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Team Argos, Book 1: The Unveiling Prologue

The volcanic basin of yellowstone park obliterated a huge section of wyoming, colorado, utah, nevada, idaho, and washington. massive earthquakes along all major fault lines began happening, knocking down buildings.

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I wasn't sure what part of colorado we were in, but i knew we were close to the pagosa springs area.

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Becoming: Part 4-A Home

"you're in colorado. but now you need to rest. she rested her hand over alex's eyes, gently guiding his head down to the pillow. alex didn't resist. he needed his sleep. he had many pressing questions on his mind, but they would have to wait...

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Unstable Future - Chapter 9

Even though most of the continent was a mystery to us we could still get news to and from areas as far north as the ruins of quebec, as far east as the atlantic coastline, within about 50 miles of the colorado river in the former state of colorado to the west

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Chapter 1: Magic

Eventually, i wander out from the arched, open-ended hallway into the soft afternoon sunlight of a colorado fall day.

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