The City of The Night

The city has three old styled gothic churches, which have received clergy since their construction. the look one the priest's faces when some of the christian vampires first attended their services was priceless.

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The Call of the Ancients

Around the middle seven people were set apart from the outer ring of many clergy dress. the outer ring was where the pilgrims started to fill.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 8.3a, Rude Awakenings

Discussion-- she is actually taking the group to vallara to rendezvous with her brother, malcom. c) graddin may be her current objective but it's just a convenient place to lay low while she regroups and rearms. d) graddin will allow her to seek out the clergy

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“Sweet Justice: A Khajiit’s Revenge” A Story Inspired by Elder Scroll’s IV: Oblivion

After he was healed he then ventured to the imperial city and submitted himself to the clergy of the nine divines.

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Sinner - Kreet 74

"she lives in the rectory with bishop wynda and the other clergy. she's getting on now. doesn't hear very well. but you'd better talk about this with bishop wynda first.

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The Furry Dead (Medieval Style) Chapter II

Annoyance more than fear burned in the priest, and it both surprised and bothered him; the clergy taught patience as a cardinal virtue.

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The Lead Crown, Chapter 10.1: Mechanations

Thanks to his creator's sacrifice he was a full dragon-- as full a dragon as fulgaré, or as any of the other half dozen members of the clergy who had some claim to 'the lineage'.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 9.2b, Shock and Awe

Once other members of the clergy came down into the catacombs the fighting came to a stop." the monk was uncertain as to just how 'successful' they had been. "and that was enough to stop ignus and efran?"

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The Hunter of Baile Chapter 1: A Boy and his Farm

"i have come to your farm because the clergy believes a nightwalker, a vampire, or bloodsucking dickhead as i like to call them, dwells near your farm.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 9.4b, Shock and Awe

Since aodhan and sister aurelie were two of a very small number of people leaving the cathedral many of the questions leveled at the wolf and cat were about what the wyranese wanted, if they had killed any of the clergy, and what they were doing inside the

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The Lead Crown: Ch 8.2c, The Great Illusion

As the only other direct member of the clergy brother rhys realized it was his obligation to make introductions. "your highness, this is bishop fulgaré, of mehnzil." prince malcom inclined his head again, lower the second time.

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Eternal Mortality: The Nations Of Osa

The people still hold strong in their faith, the capitol city of jesoi may one day be reclaimed, and the clergy may one day be purged of its corruption, one day.

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