Meanwhile, payne was publishing a variety of other stories inspired by the setting of _rat's reputation_, several shorts and novelettes published through the years, and a novel, _the blood jaguar_, first published by tor in 1998 and picked up for later printings
Book, Louvelex, Ottersgate, Rat, Rat's Reputation, Redwall, Review
The issue of chekhov's gun isn't going to come up to much for short stand-alones, but for longer ones (novelette or novella length), the same principle applies. fulfill the promises you make to your readers. pull that trigger!
Help, Story Series, tips, writing
Wizar became aware of a knife of heat and pressure jabbing into him. Then he felt everything around him start to shake and it made him jolt out of sleep. He grogilly became attentive and then saw an apparition form at the foot of his bed fully in...
Demon, Elf, Evil, Mage, Magic, Monkey, Power, Protector, Puma, Staff, Temple, Tree, elder, elders, elves, light, novelette, shrine
I'm actually really excited about an upcoming graphic novelette that i'm working on with small\_circles.
ABDL, Babyfur, Diapers, History, Husky, Rabbit, Story, diaperfur, fetish, furry, infantilism, interview, messing, wetting, writing
After some consideration, and spending a little time touching up this story, i decided it might actually work way better if instead of lumping it all into one, probably very wall-of-text-y novelette, i should divide it up into more episodic stories; make this
Caribou, Colmation, Colmation Universe, Story Series, superhero
After that came the novelette, which stretched out to about 50,000 words. a 'short novel' or novella carried up to about 90,000 words, at which point you were in the world of the fully-fledged novel.
Age Difference, Beach, Bear, Date, Gay, Lion, Love, M/M, No-Yiff, Young/Older