"the wings stood for the clan, which is the fallen angels," farniadus said. "the spiral circle represents the void, thus standing for the shadow pack.
Clan, Elite, Elite Squadron, Fallen Angels Clan, Fallen angels, Magic, Shadow Pack, Soul gem, Transformation, Twilight Wolf, Twilight Wolves, Wing, Winged Wolf, Wings, Wolf, Wolves, Wolves of Twilight, pack, shadow, squadron
**f** inally, each clan holds claim to a different area of land, determined by the size and age of the clan itself. my clan controls most of the south-east, and is one of seven in the country.
"i believe that your clan is a good clan. out of the five apex clans, mintaka is one of them."
"which clan is better than mintaka?" jarzyl challenged. "name it!"
"does my opinion really matter?"
"your opinion matters a lot to me."
"very well.
Adolescent, Adorable, Character Development, City of Wings, Dragon, Dragoness, Drake, Family Drama, Fledgling, Friendship, Kiss, Kissing, Oridian, Slice of Life, Teenager, Teenagers, Young Love, Young Romance, flirt, flirting, making out
Salutes to old clan
these past few months have been slow for my old clan on world of tank blitz i was exclusive officer in however now i'll be creating a brand new clan that me and a few other friends of mine from the old clan that left with me as well
The ravnos are an independent clan simply because nobody wants them around.
Vampire, White Wolf
Anyways, the vampires in masquerade are divided up into 13 clans. some of these clans represent one aspect of the vampire myth, while other clans are unique in their features.
Vampire, White Wolf, masquerade
#3 of the webb clan
this mask is a visual from the chapter, youll know when you read it.
Magic, Story Series
#1 of the webb clan
the webb clan chapter 1
-this is a brand new story i decided to write, and as such, i don't expect many people to read
Magic, Story Series
But you have to remember that an apex clan is enormous, and merging two apex clans requires a vast amount of negotiation and compromise on both sides.
Adolescent, Character Development, City of Wings, Dragon, Dragoness, Drake, Family Drama, Fledgling, Oridian, Slice of Life, Teenager