Jar Jar's Bizarre Adventure - Exodus - Chapter 4

Now it was bubbling and frothing so bad i tried to pin my haillu down with my hands. doing so didn't help. the bubbles became a chunnering staccato, rising in volume, until it should have been deafening.

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Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Twenty Two

"if you argue, you won't get any bubbles in your baths!" that did it. we shut our mouths and scampered away. a bath at granny's cottage without bubbles was like a day without granny's cookies!

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The Last Second

The blackness continued to encroach on the smaller bubble of light. the light wavered for only a moment, but just before the time bubble collapsed, a bright flash occured.

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Pokemon beta emerald chapter 7

"this won't take long, paddy use bubble." paddy took a took a deep breath and blew bubbles out of its mouth. the bubbles reflected the light as they slowly approach poochyena, and i do mean slowly.

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Swim Through My Mind

It skipped back and forth, leaping back and forth from bubble to bubble, seemingly trying to build momentum to itself. it eventually stopped and turned towards james.

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A New Dawn - Chapter 17 (The Clothes Make the Dragon)

I summoned my nen, allowing the bubble to surround me. as i hoped the bubble broke the wind, the wind flowing round the bubble like water would a stone. "okay then! first one to the upper cliff and back again wins!"

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Belly of the Beast (Act2, Book2, Chapter3)

The sub shuddered gently and bubbles came forward, clouding over the cockpit glass. again, the sub trembled, then the bubbles subsided, having broken the last mooring line. the small vessel eased back in reverse.

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Tania's Unbound

One of the smaller bubbles started to quiver as she neared it. the edges were rippling and glowing with bright light as the bubble started to crack and tear before finally exploding in a wave of light.

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A New Dawn - Chapter 25 (Hard Lessons)

It looked like he was staring into empty space but it suddenly dawned on me that he might be sensing my nen bubble. i had never seen any other bender, not even during the tournament, use a nen bubble like mine.

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A Kheldians Revenge & Hope

I hoped not, i chose to become a slimemold and moved slowly through the topsoil towards the bubble. good, i had not yet been detected, i suddenly felt fear, the bubble had a field that generated fear, this should have driven me back.

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 13:The Raging Storm! Encounter with the new Rio!

May used the last little bit of quintessence she had and created a huge bubbled and everything inside the bubble was instantly healed. may held the bubble as long as she could. rio was on all fours once more zipping all over the battlefield.

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