Dragon Storm: Chapter 13:The Raging Storm! Encounter with the new Rio!
#13 of Dragon Storm
Arthur's note:
Hello, hello! Sorry about the late release. Please forgive me! I have slaved over this chapter just for you guys, my beloved fans! Again I take NO credit for the below ASCII dragon art. In case anyone was wondering my last computer screen died on me so I had to save up my money long enough to afford a new one. Which will explain why I have been gone for so long. Thank you so much for waiting. Please enjoy!
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"MUF?" Lazz asked.
"Yes. It stands for "martial unaccounted for". It proves that there's a large and .... Well-organized nuclear black market in nuclear materials. Furthermore, since the end of the cold War. Russian nuclear engineers, in particular, are out of work with nowhere to turn. In other words there is plenty of available nuclear martial and scientists.... For making a bomb. We live in a age where any small country can have a nuclear weapons program." Takeshi Obata explained.
"What about the other superpowers?" Lazz asked.
"Russia and china still maintain a significant nuclear presence, complete nuclear disarmament is an impossibility. To maintain our own policy of deterrence, we need a weapon of overwhelming power!" Takeshi Obata said.
" You mean Pseudo-chimera Adult right?" Lazz implied.
"Yes. You know our industry has suffered greatly as a result of the cuts military budgets.... Due to this so-called "peace" Takeshi Obata said.
"I remember hearing a lot about mergers and takeovers among the big weapons makers." Lazz said as he continued on his drawing.
" Yes. And after my company lost their bid to produce the air force's next line of fighter jet, the Pseudo-chimera Adult system was our last ace in the hole. That's why we pushed to have Adult Pseudo-chimera developed as a black project." Takeshi Obata said.
"Black Project?" Lazz asked and stopped again, not believing what he was hearing.
"Yes. Secret projects paid for by the pentagon's black budget. You can avoid a lot of red tape and get a great lead-time on your weapons production, and no one can bother you. Not even those bleeding heart liberals on the military oversight committee. " Takeshi Obata explained.
"Bribes." Lazz stated.
" I prefer to think of it as good business.... I....I....Uahgahaaghg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Takeshi screamed and passed away instantly.
"Hey snap out of it!!!" Lazz yelled and put away his drawing and checked his pulse to find he had died.
"This is Lazz!! Come in!!" Lazz yelled into his codec.
"Yes Lazz...." Quicksilver said.
"Are you listening? Now he's dead too!!" Lazz stated.
"I have no idea!" Quicksilver said in an uncertain voice.
" Don't lie to me!!" Lazz demanded.
" It looked like another heart attack, but..." Kilala said.
"Some kind of poison!?" Lazz implied.
"Well there are a lot of drugs that can cause heart attacks in large doses such as potassium chloride or dioxides.... But.... We won't be able to tell without doing an autopsy." Kilala said.
"DAMN!!" Lazz yelled.
" Lazz! I want you to find May! She is the female griffin Takeshi Obata told you about. When you do I want you two to work together to destroy Project Pseudo-chimera Adult!" Quicksilver said.
"What!? Can I trust her?!" Lazz asked.
"More then you can trust me." Quicksilver said.
"....................." Lazz had nothing to say to Quicksilver.
"Lazz! There's a lot of electrical interference from there." Eubanks stated.
"Lazz! Get a hold of yourself.... You have to believe in me if you want to get out of there alive!!" Quicksilver said in a firm voice.
Lazz shut off his codec and stood there. He had mixed feelings about everything that was happening. He thought to himself about the deaths of the Darpa chief, Rio, and the Dragon's Tech president. He was all alone now and Quicksilver gave him an order to work together with the enemy. The way Lazz was looking at it, he had already failed in his mission.... So what was the point in going on any further?
I guess I'm just trying to thank you?
Revealing only little bits of honesty.
As days go by we run away, by blaming someone else.
For starters, I'm sorry...goodbye!
I want to hold you even when you're gone.
Please tell me what love and friendship mean!
Someday you will present the key to my heart.
I want to hold you even when you're gone.
Please tell me what love and friendship mean!
The door to my heart is shut.
Waiting for you.
That's good enough for me.
Believing in tomorrow!
Dragon Storm
CHAPTER 13: The Raging Storm! Encounter with the new Rio!
Lazz just stood there as and stared at the dead body of the Dragon tech's president. After awhile of pondering he walked out of the room and headed into the elevator where he came in from and took it to the second floor above ground and began to sneak around the stronghold. He thought to himself how lucky he was not to have set off any of the C-4 in the room where him and Wild Horn fought. Just then he heard some griffin soldiers headed his way and he quickly hide himself. He waited for them to pass by him before he moved from where he was hiding.
"What a jerk!" the first griffin soldier said.
"Yeah, no kidding!" the second griffin agreed.
"Maybe he is just in a bad mood because of what happened to May." The third griffin said.
"Whatever, I still think he should at least treat us better." The first griffin said.
Lazz listened to them talk to each other as they walked off down the hallway.
"Wait, did they just say May!? Is luck really on my side? May is somewhere up here? I have to find her!" Lazz thought to himself.
Lazz got up and struggled to walk down the hallway where the griffin soldiers came from. He was still badly injured even after treating himself with first aid. His right arm and left leg were both bandaged and still were week. Lazz tried to ignore the pain even as massive as it was and limped down the hallway slowly.
" May, May! You have to get up! I need you more then you know!!" General Andal said.
"Ughn....huh? What happened?" May asked.
"You were knocked out by that red dragon intruder and by you using too much of your Quintessence. However I brought you here and I have been watching over you since." General Andal said.
"Ah, yes. Now I remember...." May said.
(Flashback: An earlier event)
Rio grew back his tail and he also sprouted one small wing and spikes emerged from his left arm and leg. He dashed at lightning speeds past everyone and before they all knew it, they were in the ground in pain in massive puddles of blood. May used the last little bit of Quintessence she had and created a huge bubbled and everything inside the bubble was instantly healed. May held the bubble as long as she could. Rio was on all fours once more zipping all over the battlefield. Everyone knew they were going to have to work together if they wanted to survive. Wild Horn ran at Rio and luckily restrains him before he could avoid it. Everyone attacked him while he was restrained. War Wolf sliced him in the chest and Cross Wing sniped him in the leg while Tiger Wanghu pressed his remote and his jet appeared and shot four missiles at Rio. Wild Horn threw him into the air at the missiles and even got two shots on him. Rio collided with the four missiles and an enormous explosion covered the sky. Winds picked up to 108 M.P.H; May passed out and was sent flying away. Everyone held on for dear life. Rio roared again causing more earthquakes and fell to the ground in so much pain he could no longer move. Everyone rushed over to where he fell and noticed his strange black markings spreading slowly.
(Flash forward: Stronghold second floor)
"I'm sorry for making you worry." May said.
"Forget about it. You should go wash up." General Andal said.
" Ok. If you say so." May said. Then walked out of the room and toward the restroom.
May walked around the corner and down the hallway and was about to enter the rest rooms when she decided to use her G.O.N. to heal herself. She created a small aqua colored bubble and with that she was back to normal. So any damage she had taken during the earlier battle with the red dragon was now gone as if it never happened.
As May approached the door to the rest room she placed her hand on the door and paused.
"What if... the other intruder should be near? Is this really a good idea? Wait, I know!" May thought.
Just then May used her G.O.N. again only this time she made a bigger aqua colored bubble. The bubble went through the wall and went into the rest room. Just then May felt something strong. She could feel something unfamiliar to her. She knew now it was too late. She had to enter and with that she did. And as soon as she did and the door shut behind her, Lazz stepped out from behind where the door was and stood in front of it to block her only way out. May quickly turned around and faced Lazz with a Assault rifle in her hands.
"Why did you heal me just now? How did you know I was in here? " Lazz said
"I just wanted to be sure no one was in here before I walked in so I used my G.O.N. to create a bubble." May said while still pointing her Assault rifle at Lazz.
"So anything inside that bubble gets healed completely?" Lazz asked.
"Yes. With some time it will slowly heal you back to normal. However it also doubles as a sensor." May said.
"Sensor?" Lazz repeated.
"Yes. While it heals those who are in the bubble, it also senses any and all amounts of Quintessence and reports it back to me." May said.
"So just to be on the safe side you used your G.O.N. to detect if anyone was in here, but at the cost of healing me." Lazz said.
"Yes. However now I have you right where I want you. Point blank. If you make any sudden moves I'll shoot you! " May shouted.
"I wonder what's taking them so long.... Ah Here they are now." General Andal said.
"Sir, we did as you asked." The first griffin said.
"Why are you doing this sir? " the second griffin asked.
" Yeah, she is your own blood isn't she!?" the third griffin shouted.
"I don't recall giving you guys permission to speak! The reason why I had you prepare May's coffin and grave is because we won't need her anymore after we capture Lazz!" General Andal said.
" That's it!! I refuse to work for you anymore! I disapprove of your methods!" the first griffin said.
The first griffin rush at General Andal and tried to use his beak to skewer him. However Andal as big and buff as he was he avoided the small griffin soldier and grabbed his neck and smashed him into the wall and knocked him out.
"Anyone else?" General Andal asked sarcastically.
Enraging the other two, they quickly pulled out their guns and opened fire. However Andal was too quick and ran in between them both and choked them both at the same time and smashed them into the ground.
"That's it?" General Andal asked.
Just then as Andal began to walk away both of the griffin soldiers peaked his legs. General Andal doubled over and then stood back up and laughed.
"Just kidding! Here why don't you get a load of this it's my G.O.N. in the flesh." General Andal said.
Suddenly Andal's legs grew three times their normal size and with that he kicked them both off with such force that they crashed into the wall behind them and broke the wall. Andal returned his legs back to normal size and walked off.
" I won't let anyone stop me from being powerful! I will never submit to anyone, never!! I will find away around your G.O.N. Rock Lizard, that much I assure you!! " General Andal thought.
War Wolf was walking down a hallway trying to look for something or someone. He was getting a little upset because he had been looking for more then ten minutes now. Just then he felt a rather high source of Quintessence to the east of his current position.
"What the... I should go check that out." War Wolf said.
"You won't shoot me!" Lazz said.
"What makes you say that?" May said.
"Because you're a rookie! Have you ever killed anyone before? " Lazz asked.
" Only in VR but that doesn't make any difference!" May said.
"Yes it dose! They are two completely different things." Lazz stated.
" Shut up or I'll shoot you anyway! " May said.
" Come now why would a healer be a killer, and beside you still haven't taken off the safety lock." Lazz said.
"I said shut up!" May said.
"Do you even know what kind of assault rifle it is?" Lazz asked.
"I don't need to know!" May said.
" It's a M14 rifle, formally the united states rifle, caliber 7.62 mm, M14, is an American selective fire, automatic rifle firing 7.62x51mmNATO ammunition. It was the standard issue US rifle until 1970. The M14 was used for US army and Marine Corps basic and advanced individual training, and was the standard rifle in CONUS, Europe, and South Korea." Lazz said.
"What's your point?" May asked.
" You are a rookie! You don't know anything about the gun much less firing the thing!" Lazz said vaguely.
"Who exactly are you?" May asked.
"I'm the fool my commanding officer sent on this mission." Lazz said.
"You think your some kind of one-man-army?" May asked.
"I don't need lectures from someone like you." Lazz said.
"What's your name? " May asked.
" My name is not important." Lazz stated.
" You must be Lazz! " May said.
"That's what some would call me. " Lazz said.
"It's because of you everyone has been acting more strict and alert." May said.
"I'm sorry. I know you don't like what's going on." Lazz said.
" How can you tell?" May asked.
"It's your eyes." Lazz said.
"Oh their rookie's eyes right?" May implied.
" No, they are not soldier's eyes they are much more beautiful." Lazz said.
" Are you trying to sweep me off my feet?" May asked.
" Don't worry, you'll land back on them once you meet me, Dragons only I'm afraid." Lazz said.
"Oh I can change your mind." May said and chuckled.
"I don't think so, but you may try if you please, but first I need some information." Lazz said. As he walked over to the wall in the restroom and sat down and took out his drawing once again and began to work on it some more.
"Information?" May asked.
" Yes. You were involved in this exercise from the beginning. What happened here?" Lazz asked.
"I'm sorry. My father and I were captured along with the president of Dragon's tech right after the terrorist attack." May said and she walked to the sink and faced herself in the mirror.
"It's ok. What is this place? I don't think it's a nuclear weapons disposal facility." Lazz said.
"Boy, oh boy that's just like them. Nobody has told you anything have they? Well, you see this place isn't a nuclear weapons disposal facility. This place is owned and operated by a dummy corporation of Dragon's tech." May said.
"This is a civilian base? " Lazz asked.
"Right. For the development of the Pseudo-chimera Adult project!" May said as she washed her face.
"Quicksilver!!" Lazz thought.
Lazz watched as she did so having enraged feelings about Quicksilver. May was a young female griffin that reminded him of Rio's youth and energy even though Rio and Lazz were the same age he always thought he was more active. As May washed her face Lazz saw how the water hit her golden colored feathers and her pink colored eyes. She had a M14 assault rifle and it was strapped to her with a purplish pink strap and she wore a very girly baby purple shirt with gemstones that glistened in the light. She also had some on her rump area most likely to draw attention.
" BLACKFANG and the next-generation special forces were called here for the test launching of a dummy nuclear warhead." May said.
"Why BLACKFANG?" Lazz asked.
" Because they are a special Ops group used to handling top secret missions. They figured that they could keep everything all hush-hush." May said.
" So I take it you have the detonation code override keys that the president of Dragon's tech told me about." Lazz said.
"Yeah that's right." May said.
" Good hold on to them for me. If they get damaged you can just heal them. Hey, what's this Carl Kurotsuchi guy? Is he still alive?" Lazz said.
"Yes. I think they are forcing him to work on the nuclear launching program." May said.
"So they will need him alive until he finishes that." Lazz said as he stopped working on the picture and stared at it. It was a very creative drawing of Rio from when they were checking their gear in the first room they snuck into together. Lazz put the picture away.
" However your still a intruder. Why should I help you." May asked.
"I can help you. If you help me I will return everything back to the way it used to be." Lazz said.
"I knew you would say that... and since you did that means it should be ok to trust you. However if we are seen together in front of others I have to make it look as if we are enemies so I will kill you, understood." May asked.
"Agreed!" Lazz said.
"This thing must be stopped! If it can launch a nuke from anywhere anytime... everything as we know it will be no more. That is reason enough to help you Lazz." May said.
" Have you always felt this way about it?" Lazz asked.
"Yes. I know full well about it and what it can do... all I know is I want to stop it... before we all die!" May said.
" In case we can't override the detention code in time, I need to ask this Carl Kurotsuchi guy how to destroy it." Lazz said.
" You plan taking that thing on by your self!? Oh my god! You won't even put a dent in it. You won't come back alive! Let me come with you, I can heal you!" May said.
" No way! Your still too green and besides you work for them so you should help me secretly." Lazz said.
"I'm not green." May said.
"Oh yes you are." Lazz said.
"................." May was speechless.
" You pause for just one second in front of your enemy and it's all over! Good luck doesn't last forever!" Lazz said firmly.
" I don't know what happened I just couldn't pull the trigger right away. I never had any problems in training... But when I thought of my bullets tearing through your body I hesitated..." May said.
" Shooting at targets and shooting at living, breathing things are different." Lazz said.
"Ever since I was a little griffin I always dreamed of becoming a soldier and working along side my father.... But I don't know if I can do it-" May said but then was interrupted by Lazz.
" Listen May, everybody feels sick after the first time they kill someone. Unfortunately, killing is one of those things that gets easier the more you do it. In a war mankind's worst emotions, worst traits come out. It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield. " Lazz stated.
" But this isn't a war! It's a terrorist action!" May stated back.
" Your just a little jumpy from the combat high. The adrenaline in your blood stream is starting to thin out. Just take it easy." Lazz said and got up off the ground and walked over by May.
" Fine have it your way." May said.
Just then General Andal busted in the restroom and used his G.O.N. to enlarge his fist three times it's normal size and punched Lazz in the stomach.
"May! Why didn't you tell me you were being held a hostage by the intruder!!" General Andal said.
"Right and how was I supposed to do that seeing as how I was, oh you know, being held a hostage against my will!" May said sarcastically.
May was afraid that her father would figure out about her joining Lazz's cause, but luckily he did not find that out. May did her best to play along and make it look as though she was still on her dad's side. Meanwhile Lazz struggled to get up, his vision was a little fuzzy, but he could still make everyone out. Lazz was gasping for air and could not move just yet since he got hit with a powerful force and got sent into the wall of the restroom. Lazz was trying to recover from that hit, but it was no use he was just to strong and with that Lazz fell to the ground in pain and General Andal pulled out his H&K MP5 Machine gun and took aim at Lazz while May took one arrow from her silver quiver and placed it on her black bow and also took aim.
"What should I do now?" May thought.
" Any last words Lazz?" General Andal asked.
Lazz looked up then back down again. There was nothing he could do. He could not think of anything right then. He prepared himself to die. However just then General Andal fell to the ground in pain and had a small charred burn on his back. Lazz quickly looked up in amazement. He could not believe the luck and timing of what just happened. May quickly jumped back and pulled out a silver whistle.
"You're the one from before!" May said.
" Holy shit Jesus! RIO!!!!" Lazz yelled.
Rio was standing there watching his own blood red embers fall to the ground then looked at Lazz. He chuckled a little and then closed his yellow eyes and smiled. He still looked the same as Lazz could remember him. He was a red dragon with black stripes and had skin not scales, however he did have a little hair on his head that had highlights, which made him look handsome. He still had on his carefree style of clothes a Bergende shirt with a black dragon on it and a green vest, and his cargo pants. He also had his Smith & Wesson 9 mm semi automatic handgun out and was holding on to it tight. He wore silver and black fingerless gloves with small metal plating. He was happy to see his partner and his friend after all this time; it made him sway his long tail side to side.
Just then May blew her whistle and almost instantly a giant group of Griffin soldiers cluttered at the door. General Andal got back up and watched as Rio began walking toward him. He tried to punch him, but Rio suddenly disappeared then a few second later reappeared by Lazz.
"Why you! You will pay for making me look weak!!" General Andal said.
" Let's go Lazz! " Rio said as he held out one hand to try and help Lazz up.
"After the last time we fought Rio he should not even be able to move. Just what is going on here? I didn't heal him, I got knocked out and just woke up myself. Furthermore, how did he find Lazz and escape from everyone effortlessly? Something fishy is going here..." May thought.
Lazz reached for Rio's hand and got up.
"Don't worry Lazz! This time... I will protect you!" Rio said and stood in front of Lazz to protect him from all the griffins.
To be continued..............
Author's comment:
How is it that Rio is still alive and well?
Will he be able to protect Lazz and get him to safety?
Tune in for Chapter 14.