Dig my Grave in Reno, part one
Asked the beaver and felt the blood in his veins turning into ice. "we have a common friend," sneered the coyote through yellowed teeth. "someone who cares enough to show me the way." "the map is mine," sneered the beaver.
Antlers Collide (Otherwise Untitled)
All the while she kept making glances to the beaver in a three button suit who was similarly mingling. for all of her stalking, a fox caught her eyes.
Who is Schyster Werkes?
"delivering the shard of representatives is an all-important duty," replied the beaver. "we must deliver one of these to the king every day. otherwise the dam will collapse."
Dipping into
Beneath the surface, a beaver swam through the clear water. exploring the vast realm before him; tracing the bottom of the lake. gliding his fingers upon the rocks as he passed. smooth, polished by gentle waves. surrounded by life.
All Good Things, Chapter 1
Caleb calls to the stocky beaver behind the counter, grinning fit to burst. "how are you doing today?" "doing well, thanks! you?" the beaver lifts a brow, resting an elbow on the counter and gazing up at caleb with a critical eye.
Duty Chapter 27: Due Process
Judge shirk was a short, heavy beaver with almost comical bucked front teeth sticking out of puffy checks that seemed to squeeze against his eyes.
The Warriors - 2
Finally, after the longest break in conversation, the beaver signaled to the guards and the inmates were removed from the room, one by one.
Trial by Error (Dogs of War 2)
Tor looked up to find that the irate beaver, chief petty officer caster banks, had returned. "we need to fix this tor." banks slapped his tail on the ground in frustration.
Burdens - Chapter 131: Best Case Scenario
He had been thinking about his previous run-in with a certain beaver, which still made him a bit upset. he wanted to ask mr.
They had so many things to say, like; how the band around my wrist isn't just a silly angry beavers slap band but an enchanted bracelet designed to put me under his spell, how it makes me do things i normally wouldn't do.
"let me help," jasper called, placing a paw on the beaver's back. whether it came as a result of that, or the wolf's voice, the beaver jolted and turned, eyes wide and jaw agape. grime covered his fur, matting it heavily.
Believe – Chapter 20: Cernunnos
He ate all the leaves and then asked the beavers to make the ends of the twigs pointy and to remove some of the weak ones. the beavers, friends of his, also did him this favor. then the animal took the branches and placed them at his head.