A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 41: Separation
"Stop that!" Daws yelled, giving me a light cuff to the head as we ran into the woods. I managed a weak glare, stumbling out a few more notes of the tune. It wasn't perfect, but most zombies went after us, turning away from those resting by the...
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 33: Distance
Entering the dim FurShopper from the roof, I tried not to let the darkness tie into my thoughts that no one would come and hope was forever lost. We three clambered down the ladder, but two canine grins slipped. The dim back area of the FurShopper was...
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 38: Overcome
\>\>\>\>[[[NOTE: DAY 20](/?page=%5B%5BNOTE%3A_DAY_20)]]\<\<\<\< The morning had come, and I'd not slept. It was partially from the snoring of my dad right next to me, but more from the pain of my shoulder disturbing me from any sleep. My middle was...
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 37: Disruption
The evening breeze picked up, chilling my open maw. I couldn't help it, my heart stuttered a painful throb, sinking to my footpaws. My breath abandoned me, and my open jaw yammered without sound. Even with the fox's broad back turned, I could recognize...
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 36: Secrets
Sergeant Daws' lips pulled into a frown. "A 'Thing'? Something more than the sound you perceive?" I nodded through my shiver, wishing I could forget. "There's this... 'Thing' in the Curtain. I don't know what it is, but I've felt it a few times...
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 22: Memories
Rusty leaned over Shadow, just outside the hatch. Burt and I shone flashlights on the wolf where he lay. Steve stood nearby. Unfortunately, Isaac and Bradley had accompanied them. Bradley was still set on staring at me, but I didn't care. A whimpering...
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 21: Unsteady
I walked quickly towards the hatch, trying to put everything behind me. Except I could hear Shadow's struggle to keep up. I slowed down, but didn't stop, feeling an urge to flee, flee anywhere. He caught up with me, looking sore. I felt bad and came to...
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 46: Achieve
"Alright, pup," said the spotted doe, stalking down the hall in front of us. "Time to show your colors. I hope you're as good as you're reported to be." Earlier, we'd showered in the level's bathroom, avoiding the occasional stare at our sex-smell....