"The Thin Line," Part FF
\*\*\*\*\* There was at least one more element in the neighbourhood that I wanted to tie down before going over the border, and that was the Silverbrush property that was between the monastery and the boundary-river. Judging from what I saw on...
"The Thin Line," Part EE
\*\*\*\*\* I know in some regiments of the Imperial and Royal Army, Temple Parade is taken quite seriously, and you see long crocodiles of squaddies on Holy Day being led off to pray. There are long-standing rumours that Temple Parade is done...
"The Thin Line," Part DD
\*\*\*\*\* The weather cleared up the next day, so after breakfast for the platoon (potato flour cakes) and a few apples and morning service for me, most of us went out on a "yomp" in the area around Mossford. I did leave behind a few squaddies to...
"The Thin Line," Part CC
\*\*\*\*\* Much of the next morning, which was a drizzly late fall day, was spent indoors inspecting the kit of Platoon Thorn, Fourth Company, First Battalion, 37thRegiment of Foot. The first thing I did, however, was peer into Lieutenant...
"The Thin Line," Part BB
\*\*\*\*\* The first impression was somewhat deceptive, I reflected, as the buckboard bounced and jostled its way through the rutted earthen path. For one thing, the private wrapped up in the blanket had not been asleep, and had given me a...
"The Thin Line," Part AA
\*\*\*\*\* At our first stop a few hours later, where passengers boarded, deboarded, and were allowed a few minutes for refreshments, I complimented the coach-driver on his driving; the ride was quite comfortable, and there was little in the way...
"The Thin Line," Part Z
\*\*\*\*\* Someone in the Q.M. stores was merciful, and I had also been left a uniform that fit me appropriately, given my current condition. Judicious use of needle and thread (borrowed from a friendly housekeeper), and a flatiron (ditto) put...
"The Thin Line," Part Y
\*\*\*\*\* In spite of myself, I laughed. Hard enough to make me cough, splutter and hurt myself a little. My rueful apology to Meadow was readily accepted. "You know, I never would have expected that from Prince Gawain, Meadow. At any rate,...
"The Thin Line," Part X
\*\*\*\*\* One of the strengths, they say, that elves have is our heightened senses. It is very difficult, so they say further, to catch an elf unawares. Those who "say" have probably never seen an elf in the throes of moody self-pity. Which...
"The Thin Line," Part W
\*\*\*\*\* It is true, what they say: you never remember the details of your dreams when you waken. You do remember, though, sensations. The overwhelming sensation that I had was that I was drowning, and couldn't breathe. I would be bobbing...
"The Thin Line," Part V
\*\*\*\*\* The thing I remember about that day, right at the end of summer, was how beautiful it was. "King's Weather," they called it. It was brilliantly sunny, not a cloud in the sky, mild, and with just enough breeze to make the Royal Standard...
"The Thin Line," Part U
\*\*\*\*\* The last month of summer would be very busy in Albric Tor. The local farmers were starting to bring in their harvests of fruits and grains, and there were symbolic tithes to the Royal Family, something that I'm told has been a...