Order of the Black Foot, Chapter 7: Briefing and Analysis
Briefing and Analysis for DrakeHavok by Draconicon Hanna was well acquainted with the Order's camps. She'd been through most of them, and while there were differences between each one, it was always due to geography interfering...
Wide Open World Chapter 1: A Kiss and A Journal
The Wide Open World Chapter 1: A Kiss and a Journal For Idesin By Draconicon Bastien Blanc was doing what he always did after the noon meal. He sat on the edge of his bedroom window, and looked down on the world below. For most...
Sideline Hacker Battles: Zavis vs Andre
Sideline Hacker Battles Zavis vs Andre For HandofBlades By Draconicon As Zavis's mechanic snapped on his wrist-computer, he glanced across the small chamber. Through the hundreds of wires and tubes, the snake could just make out the other...
Elder Scrolls Story: The Vampire Problem
The Vampire Problem for DrakeHavok by Draconicon "I'll be right back." Arga looked up from the fire as he heard the words, arching an eyebrow at the lighter-scaled Argonian getting up. Serrek looked back for a moment before rolling his eyes....
Adventures in Min
Adventures in Min For DrakeHavok By Draconicon Havok couldn't help but stare as he walked down the streets of Min-Su, the capital city of the Kingdom of Min. For all that the white dragon was no stranger to traveling, Min-Su's mix of...
Wide Open World Chapter 2: To Prove Oneself
Wide Open World Chapter 2: To Prove Oneself For Idesin By Draconicon Burkhard was, admittedly, new to the idea of being someone's bodyguard. He had the idea down, for certain. One was to lay their body down for the defense of their...
Far From Sadness
? Far From Sadness Sponsored by Nataraj For Anya\_Arctic By Draconicon The Far, Far Range was well-named. It was far away from any unwilling human or anthro communication with anyone else. Indeed, the only way to get in touch with...
A More Human(e) Kingdom
A More Human(e) Kingdom For ehh123 By Draconicon Months passed since the decline of Scar and his regime, and Simba's had risen in its place, fulfilling every promise that his uncle had made and bettering them. The...
Anomalous Space
Anomalous Space For ehh123 By Draconicon Brooks was a dog, and as such, he was only vaguely conscious of the continuity of his world. Time had very little meaning to him; five minutes could have been five years, or five...