Eggnaped! By CalexTheNeko "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" Aurum ran down the sidewalk carrying a bulky cardboard box in his arms. He was hurrying to meet some friends. The gold and white tiger cub was currently six and a half years old, and not...
The Dreadwyrm's Weakness
The Dreadwyrm's Weakness By CalexTheNeko Deven was walking through the market in Limsa Lominsa looking for a new weapon. The brown haired lalafell was dressed in a pair of red shorts and nothing else. Given the option, he would have chosen to...
Springtide: New Pups in Town
Springtide New Pups in Town By CalexTheNeko "I'm supposed to be getting to class." Shasta complained as he was dragged through the hallway of a classroom building that was meant to be under renovation. The gray and blue wolfamute was dressed...
Faerie Kitten Mischief
Faerie Kitten Mischief By CalexTheNeko "Huh..." Lockely was sitting at his computer, the orange fox with black speckles was dressed in a hoodie, jeans, his tailband and glasses. It suddenly occurred to him that it was very quiet. In theory,...
Anyone Can Be a Little Kitten
Anyone Can Be a Little Kitten By CalexTheNeko "MROOOAWRL!" Zeelo gave a shout as he jumped from a bookcase landing on Calvin's shoulder. The small brown werekitten was good, and kept his claws retracted as he landed on the human's...
Teacher's Pet
Teacher's Pet By CalexTheNeko It wasn't often Snowheart got an opportunity like this. Thanks to her 'inherently magical nature' as a kitsune, the pink furred three tailed fox had been invited to a school of magic on a one-week probational...
The Lagos Magician
The Lagos Magician By CalexTheNeko Cris ran as fast his golden furred rabbit feet could carry him as he saw the massive beast that had appeared. It let out a roar, and fired sharp spines from its back. Cris quickly jumped between spines...
Snep Day
Snep Day By CalexTheNeko The good news was that school was cancelled. The bad news was that it was really, really, really cold outside. In previous years, this hadn't been the biggest of issues. Tony would simply bundle up tight in his...
Faerie Scaling
Faerie Scaling By CalexTheNeko Aurum was in his home staring up at his computer screen. He had been doing research, something that was no small feat given his current stature. The silver and gold tiger cub was only six and a half years old,...
Follow The Rules 2: Transformation Boogaloo
Follow the Rules 2: Transformation Boogaloo By CalexTheNeko "Once again, I find myself sharing the company of a familiar kitten while stuck hiding from the rain under the park pavilion." Kickaha sat at the picnic table bench beneath the...
Eggceptional Get Aways: Kickaha
Eggceptional Get Away: Kickaha Some might say the foxyote's curiosity often got the better of him. Kickaha would argue that instead he got the best out of his curiosity. That was why when he heard that Trevor and Calex were up to something he had...
Eggceptional Get Aways: Erakir
Eggceptional Getaway Erakir When Erakir came to he became aware of how dark and cramped it was. It wasn't exceptionally difficult for him to figure out what had happened. It was far from the first time. And far from the first time at least one of...