A Smaller Weremouse

Once again, zeelo was covered in fur, and the now toddler aged weremouse shrunk so small that ryan could not even see him. "zeelo! zeelo!" ryan squinted trying to find him, but the mouse was gone.

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Kitten Mouse

"i'd say it's cause you're a weremouse pup. cursed to turn into a young mouse on every full moon. full moon is gone, so you're back to a tiger, but you're a kid and tiny." "... and i became a weremouse because?" aurum was confused.

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A Botched Weremouse

And he's decided that he wants to brew a motion to turn himself into a weremouse. why? cause turning into a mouse for one night a month would be fun!

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Faerie Scaling

Ever since aurum had become some hybridization of a weremouse and a werekitten he had been stuck this small and this young. and while he didn't mind too much, and even enjoyed the fact he didn't have to wear clothes.

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He had at one point been an adult tiger, there was an incident combining a werekitten curse with a weremouse curse. aurum had wound up as a very tiny tiger cub. after time, he had figured out how to get back to normal size.

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