Don't cry wolf 5

This is the 5th and final implament of Don't cry wolf, but be warned, it's kind of long. Please comment! Blitzar sat in the forest, waiting for the Falstrol, "this human thing I still can't get it they don't have anything that's good." Then a...

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Don't cry wolf 4

This is the fourth of my old Don't cry wolf story, hope you guys like it. 10 months and 30 days later, 7 days left. Blitzar, in his wolf form, lay on the bed in his apartment, starring at the ceiling, "I've taken 11 lives one more and the war...

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Don't cry wolf 3

This is the 3rd installment of this story, overall there is 5. If you like it please comment so I know what to keep! Plus if you are just starting to read this, you might want to go back and read the others unless you want to be very...

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Don't cry wolf 2

This is the 2nd part to my first one that I uploaded earlier, hope it's as good as the other one. Blitzar and Falstrol fell through a vortex that...

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Don't cry wolf

This is an old story that I wrote awhile ago, it was actually the first real one. So it's not that up to what I write now, please tell me what you think. (Plus I write in a different format right now, so when I upload different things it will look...

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